hello to all makers,
this is my 1st post here so please bear with me as im not femiliar with the place...
as a part of a robotic system, Im interested in making a high precision PID controller using teensy/arduino. the feedback input is an analog voltage from a position sensor(actually 2), which i need to sample at a 14bit resolution or higher. sampling rate must be high - above about 10ksps(before accounting for oversampling that will multiply it). obviously the MCU must be able to cope with the fast calculations.
Im trying to decide between 2 options(more will be welcomed!):
1. using teensy 3.0 and its onboard ADC: as i understand, thru carfull configuration its possible to reach my resolution needs.
2. using arduino 8bit MCU and an external ADC breakout such as PCM1803(https://www.sparkfun.com/products/9365).
the teensy way apeals to me because of:
1. hardware simplicity
2. no need for communication to external module that will complicate things(software wise)
3. a powerfull platform for fast calcs.
the arduino way apeals to me because of:
1. a familiar(to me) and well supported platform. as i will encounter many difficulties and am not a software wiz, this is very important to me.
2. freeing system resources by outsourcing ADC(although with the teensy the ADC will be very fast, so maybe no advantage there)
3. as i gather, the external module has a better chanse of achiving my resolution needs
i should point out that i have made a similar control loop in the past with arduino, but with much lower requirements and the native 10bit res so many problems didnt surface.
also, im only familiar with the arduino environment at this point, and would like to stick with it.
any directions/tips/help will be very appreciatad!
this is my 1st post here so please bear with me as im not femiliar with the place...
as a part of a robotic system, Im interested in making a high precision PID controller using teensy/arduino. the feedback input is an analog voltage from a position sensor(actually 2), which i need to sample at a 14bit resolution or higher. sampling rate must be high - above about 10ksps(before accounting for oversampling that will multiply it). obviously the MCU must be able to cope with the fast calculations.
Im trying to decide between 2 options(more will be welcomed!):
1. using teensy 3.0 and its onboard ADC: as i understand, thru carfull configuration its possible to reach my resolution needs.
2. using arduino 8bit MCU and an external ADC breakout such as PCM1803(https://www.sparkfun.com/products/9365).
the teensy way apeals to me because of:
1. hardware simplicity
2. no need for communication to external module that will complicate things(software wise)
3. a powerfull platform for fast calcs.
the arduino way apeals to me because of:
1. a familiar(to me) and well supported platform. as i will encounter many difficulties and am not a software wiz, this is very important to me.
2. freeing system resources by outsourcing ADC(although with the teensy the ADC will be very fast, so maybe no advantage there)
3. as i gather, the external module has a better chanse of achiving my resolution needs
i should point out that i have made a similar control loop in the past with arduino, but with much lower requirements and the native 10bit res so many problems didnt surface.
also, im only familiar with the arduino environment at this point, and would like to stick with it.
any directions/tips/help will be very appreciatad!