Active member
callback not firing?
Dear all,
it seems the callback does not fire in my test sketch.
The aim of the sketch is to be able to copy last function name into DMAMEM arrays to see in which function did the WDT fired.
The code is self explanatory i hope and i am using the DMAMEM area as i read somewhere that that memory is kept during code upload (or during wdt reset) while the teensy is powered.
I am running the code on Teensy 4.1.
Thank You a lot
Dear all,
it seems the callback does not fire in my test sketch.
The aim of the sketch is to be able to copy last function name into DMAMEM arrays to see in which function did the WDT fired.
The code is self explanatory i hope and i am using the DMAMEM area as i read somewhere that that memory is kept during code upload (or during wdt reset) while the teensy is powered.
#include "Watchdog_t4.h"
#include "elapsedMillis.h"
#include <Bounce.h>
WDT_T4<WDT3> wdt;
DMAMEM char lastFunc[32];
DMAMEM char lastLastFunc[32];
DMAMEM uint32_t wdfired;
uint32_t bttn_1_pressed = 0;
uint32_t bttn_2_pressed = 0;
#define debug_out1 3
#define debug_out2 4
void myCallback() {
digitalWriteFast(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);
wdfired++; // indicate the fired wdt
elapsedMicros oneMillis;
elapsedMillis wdtRefresh;
#define millisecond 998
#define wdtRefreshInterval 40
const int button_clear = 2;
const int button_1 = 0;
const int button_2 = 1;
Bounce bttn_clear = Bounce(button_clear,10);
Bounce bttn_1 = Bounce(button_1,10);
Bounce bttn_2 = Bounce(button_2,10);
void setup() {
pinMode(button_clear, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(button_1, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(button_2, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(debug_out1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(debug_out2, OUTPUT);
while (!Serial);
Serial.print("Begin wdt test / wdtfired: ");
Serial.println(wdfired); // at first run, display random data in DMAMEM array
WDT_timings_t config;
config.window = 30;
config.timeout = 55;
config.callback = myCallback;
wdtRefresh = 0;
void loop() {
if (bttn_clear.update()) {
if (bttn_clear.fallingEdge()) {
Serial.print(F(" wdfired ")); // at first run, display random data in DMAMEM array
wdfired = 0;
Serial.println(F(" cleared"));
Serial.println(lastLastFunc); // print previous func array
Serial.println(lastFunc); // print last func array
/* for (uint8_t q = 0; q < sizeof(lastFunc); q++) {
} */
memset(lastFunc, '.', sizeof(lastFunc)); // preset them
memset(lastLastFunc, '.', sizeof(lastLastFunc));
if (bttn_1.update()) { // button debounce
if (bttn_1.fallingEdge()) {
Serial.println(F("Button 1 pressed"));
bttn_1_pressed++; // just increase the variable
if (bttn_2.update()) {
if (bttn_2.fallingEdge()) {
Serial.println(F("Button 2 pressed"));
if (oneMillis > millisecond) { // 1 ms interval
oneMillis = 0;
// digitalWriteFast(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);
digitalWrite(debug_out2, !digitalRead(debug_out2));
if (wdtRefresh > wdtRefreshInterval) { // wdt feeder 41 ms
wdtRefresh = 0;
digitalWrite(debug_out1, !digitalRead(debug_out1));
FASTRUN void test1() {
memcpy(lastLastFunc, lastFunc, sizeof(lastFunc)); // copy last to previous
memcpy(lastFunc, __func__, sizeof(__func__)); // update last
while (bttn_1_pressed) {
FASTRUN void test_kurna_snad_to_pojde() {
memcpy(lastLastFunc, lastFunc, sizeof(lastFunc));
memcpy(lastFunc, __func__, sizeof(__func__));
while (bttn_2_pressed) {
I am running the code on Teensy 4.1.
Thank You a lot