What is the maximum FPS one could achieve on a teensy 4.1?


New member
I have an application where I need to get 720p video at 200-500fps, it doesn't need to have color or a super high pixel bitrate, even a 4 bit/pixel image would work. Is that possible, and if so how would you go about it?
Apologies, this is for a camera input, it will run a quick tracking calculation on the data. The challange seems to be getting that much raw image data into the MCU for processing. The actual compute is rather low on the aformentioned calculation, and the output is just a few numbers so also not really an issue.
Seems doubtful. At 200fps, the pixel rate at a resolution of 720p is ~184MHz and the maximum speed of the Teensy's IO pins is roughly 200MHz... so they're not likely to be able to keep up.
Apologies, this is for a camera input, it will run a quick tracking calculation on the data. The challange seems to be getting that much raw image data into the MCU for processing. The actual compute is rather low on the aformentioned calculation, and the output is just a few numbers so also not really an issue.
Just out of curiosity, what camera are you using that can send 200 frames per second?