Hello, im very new to Teensy Audio projects. Im overall pretty new to any Arduino projects. But i wanna have my guitar line-in runnig through Teensy 4.1 with Audio Shield. I have already managed to get Freeverb and Bitcrusher working. It's working pretty well. Now i tried to implement Flanger. But even tho I did tried to follow the library example, the flanger has no real effect.
What I'm trying to do is have a potentiometer, that controls the amount of flange. And when that pot is at 0 the flange should just act as a pass through.
I have that logic working, but no matter what numbers i put into the flanger.voice() method, it never really changes.
When the Flanger turns on, I can hear a slight decrease in volume.
With this current setup, I really get almost no change in sound. There really is no flanging effect. When i crank the numbers like Offset, i get some effect, but VERY distorted. Any of those values seem to do basically nothing but suddenly they just distort the sound at a certain values.
If anyone could shine some light at this for me, it would be apreciated!
Here's my code, I tried to comment out any unrelated parts of code. At this point, only the flanger effect is engaged.
Also I think I don't need the FlangerMixer there but I just put it there to be sure.
What I'm trying to do is have a potentiometer, that controls the amount of flange. And when that pot is at 0 the flange should just act as a pass through.
I have that logic working, but no matter what numbers i put into the flanger.voice() method, it never really changes.
When the Flanger turns on, I can hear a slight decrease in volume.
With this current setup, I really get almost no change in sound. There really is no flanging effect. When i crank the numbers like Offset, i get some effect, but VERY distorted. Any of those values seem to do basically nothing but suddenly they just distort the sound at a certain values.
If anyone could shine some light at this for me, it would be apreciated!
#include <Audio.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <SPI.h>
#include <SD.h>
#include <SerialFlash.h>
// GUItool: begin automatically generated code
AudioInputI2S lineIn; //xy=129,222
AudioAnalyzePeak peak1; //xy=348,98
AudioEffectBitcrusher bitcrusher1; //xy=366,220
AudioMixer4 bitcrusherMixer; //xy=582,239
AudioEffectFlange flange1; //xy=791,239
AudioMixer4 flangeMixer; //xy=1011,256
AudioEffectFreeverb freeverb1; //xy=1371,308
AudioMixer4 freeverbMixer; //xy=1582,217
AudioAmplifier amp1; //xy=1752,217
AudioOutputI2S lineOut; //xy=1937,224
AudioConnection patchCord1(lineIn, 0, peak1, 0);
AudioConnection patchCord2(lineIn, 0, bitcrusher1, 0);
AudioConnection patchCord3(bitcrusher1, 0, bitcrusherMixer, 0);
AudioConnection patchCord4(bitcrusherMixer, flange1);
AudioConnection patchCord5(flange1, 0, flangeMixer, 0);
AudioConnection patchCord6(flangeMixer, freeverb1);
AudioConnection patchCord7(flangeMixer, 0, freeverbMixer, 0);
AudioConnection patchCord8(freeverb1, 0, freeverbMixer, 1);
AudioConnection patchCord9(freeverbMixer, amp1);
AudioConnection patchCord10(amp1, 0, lineOut, 0);
AudioControlSGTL5000 sgtl5000_1; //xy=146,86
// GUItool: end automatically generated code
// Flanger parameters
short flangeDelayLine[FLANGE_DELAY_LENGTH];
int s_idx_flanger = FLANGE_DELAY_LENGTH / 4;
int s_depth_flanger = FLANGE_DELAY_LENGTH / 4;
double s_freq_flanger = 0.5;
// Analog pot pins
const int analogGreen = A10;
const int analogPurple = A11;
const int analogBlue = A12;
void setup() {
// Initialize Serial for debugging
while (!Serial) { /* Wait for Serial Monitor to connect (optional for debugging) */ }
// Initialize audio processing
AudioMemory(8); // Allocate audio memory (increase if needed for complex effects)
// Enable and configure the audio shield
sgtl5000_1.volume(0.95); // Set volume (adjust to match your amp)
sgtl5000_1.inputSelect(AUDIO_INPUT_LINEIN); // Use LINE IN as input
sgtl5000_1.adcHighPassFilterDisable(); // try to keep original high freq
// Bitcruisher control
// Bitcrusher mixer
bitcrusherMixer.gain(0, 1);
// Flanger control
flange1.begin(flangeDelayLine, FLANGE_DELAY_LENGTH, s_idx_flanger, s_depth_flanger, s_freq_flanger);
// Freeverb control
// Freeverb mixer
freeverbMixer.gain(0, 1.0); // Start with fully Dry signal
freeverbMixer.gain(1, 0); // Wet signal
// Amp control
elapsedMillis fps;
void loop() {
// Getting the value from pots and reducing it to 0-1 range
float analogValueGreen = analogRead(analogGreen) / 1023.0;
float analogValuePurple = analogRead(analogPurple) / 1023.0;
float analogValueBlue = analogRead(analogBlue) / 1023.0;
// Real time chaning effect settings and gains
// ------------------------------------------ //
// Bitcrusher Settings
bitcrusher1.sampleRate(map(analogValuePurple, 0, 1, 44100, 1));
bitcrusher1.bits(map(analogValueBlue, 0, 1, 16, 2));
float bitcrushGain1 = mapFloat(analogValuePurple, .90, 1, 0, .25);
float bitcrushGain2 = mapFloat(analogValueBlue, .75, 1, 0, 1.75);
float bitcrushMixerGain = map(bitcrushGain1 + bitcrushGain2, 0, 2, 1, .22);
bitcrusherMixer.gain(0, bitcrushMixerGain);
// Flanger settings
int offset = 0;
int depth = 0;
double delayRate = 0;
if (analogValueGreen > 0.005) {
offset = s_idx_flanger;
depth = s_depth_flanger;
delayRate = map(analogValueGreen, 0.0, 1, .01, 1.1);
flange1.voices(offset, depth, delayRate);
// Freeverb Settings
freeverb1.roomsize(map(analogValuePurple, 0, 1, .25, 1)); // I like this!
freeverbMixer.gain(0, 1.0 - analogValueGreen);
freeverbMixer.gain(1, analogValueGreen);
// freeverb1.damping(1.0 - analogValueBlue); Dont wanna change this value, keep it at .2
// Debug code
if (fps > 20) {
if (peak1.available()) {
fps = 0;
int monoPeak = peak1.read() * 30.0;
for (int cnt=0; cnt<monoPeak; cnt++) {
if (monoPeak > 29) Serial.print("*");
Serial.print("Max audio blocks used: ");
Serial.print(" | Max CPU used: ");
Serial.print(" | ");
// Serial.print(" | ");
// Serial.print(depth);
Serial.print(" ||| ");
Serial.print(" | ");
Serial.print(" | ");
float mapFloat(float value, float inMin, float inMax, float outMin, float outMax) {
if (value <= inMin) return outMin;
if (value >= inMax) return outMax;
return (value - inMin) * (outMax - outMin) / (inMax - inMin) + outMin;
Here's my code, I tried to comment out any unrelated parts of code. At this point, only the flanger effect is engaged.
Also I think I don't need the FlangerMixer there but I just put it there to be sure.