Wiki Coming - Please link worthy posts

LINKS to Teensy 3.1 and T_3.2 breakout boards that give access to bottom pins:

Robin: I think that being sticky would be great - not just because of who started the thread and the WiKi bug. I had this very thought this afternoon - as you may have seen I picked up another person who missed this on another thread today and directed them here.

Hi All,
It would be nice to have this in some sort of Wiki page or something to have an up to date list: no need to read every posting when a better suggestion is made on the initial post which is a brilliant overview.

<edit: safe to say nobody was more anxious to see a TEENSY_WIKI - but I perfectly understand the time IT takes and how often 'REAL' issues you can actively deal with take precedence>

It was realized the wiki may be better integrated if the Forum software is changed so that lead to extra work items that hasn't gotten resolved as there wasn't a clear best choice and with all else going on, so this placeholder list is a good place to scan and leave ideas that the WiKi needs to cover.

Another important WiKi topic:'Custom Teensy Board' collected tips and tricks and rules to follow.
Maybe it is already here and maybe there is a better link :: Sanity-Check-custom-teensy-pcb-design
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This Now a STICKY THREAD to accumulate links and KEY TEENSY info to migrate to coming WIKI, until then just a set of bullet points to scan for answers and direction to discussion or questions. (the less clutter of duplicate entries and discussions here the better)




New TOUCH display driver - running on the supported ILI9341:

LOCAL versus GLOBAL variables: Not seen this called out before - and very important in loop() ::
My-Teensy-Aircraft __ about local and global variables

Library for using SPI Flash memory with a filesystem-like interface : Included in TeensyDuino 1.25+

[Headroom] Hte answers a lot of OctoWS2811 library questions and are explained in detail on the
OctoWS 2811 library page.
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Occasionally new users want to avoid Arduino and "just want to use C". Typically, this leads to a fair bit of back and forth as people trying to help try to figure out which reason the person has, how much knowledge the person has and what's the best help given their skill level.

Typically, the new user might assume that Arduino is a bastard variant of C or C++ or that the Arduino IDE is tightly coupled to the compiler or that C and C++ are interchangeable, etc. Typically, they'll want to use all the libraries, but not realize that the other stuff really isn't much at all.

The current thread that brought this to mind isn't ideal for linking here (yet?). I just wanted to mention this so that when the eventual PJRC wiki comes, we'll be able to explain this in appropriate spots.
IIRC :: The Wiki work is (soft) scheduled after the two PJRC hardware works in progress get finished - and new forum software in the mix.

If you see worthy forum posts on specific information that should be integrated - please make a post here - if you have a post already please feel freed edit into that - as long as the info is here it can be recalled.

SPI CS functionality details 3.1 .vs. 3.2 - changes in the Teensy card only:
Teensy Cards are a great summary - but brevity and clarity limit functional details - info like this could be present on the wiki for each pin and each interface type usage.

Software-based RTS for Serial2 and Serial3 in Teensyduino 1.27 - Was on Serial1 in 1.26:

Why ARDUINO is really Just another way to program the Teensy in C/C++ (versus baremetal or makefile):

Assuming a WIKI page for each library will evolve - PJRC or otherwise:
Each code element in the Teensy system with a github should link to it and the ISSUES area for checking active issues and reporting found items.
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"The mixer and many other objects are programmed to not transmit data when they know their output is silent. All objects are programmed to detect no data arriving at their inputs. Most avoid using CPU time to process known-silent input. Only a few actually continue doing work with no data arriving (like delayExt, which fills the external memory with zeros). But that's those are the rare exceptions. Nearly all of them avoid some or all CPU usage when their inputs get no data.

The mixer also contains code to handle 1.0 gain efficiently. When it's just a single channel at 1.0 gain, the original data is just passed right to the output with virtually no CPU usage." (Paul)
Ping. Any news on a Wiki?

FWIW: In my previous job we used vBulletin and a separate MediaWiki with great success. It was easy to set up and the community took great advantage of it quickly.
Teensy_3 PORT mapping to pins for grouped I/O

LC pin ports are almost identical - exceptions are:
Looks like it's still only for Teensy 3.0 and 3.1.

Teensy-LC differs on pins 3-4 and 24-26. Of course, LC doesn't have 27-33. All the other pins have identical mapping between Teensy LC and 3.1.

Writing the Teensy 3.? & LC lock bits - Yes and No . . .
>> Here is the commit change with details:
>> And the Thread Post: Setting-flash-security-byte?

EE Details for the Non-EE:

Teensy CARD and RESET versus PROGRAM on the T_3x:
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