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  • PaulStoffregen
    PaulStoffregen replied to the thread Teensy.exe icon.
    Just to add a bit more info, Teensy Loader is built using wxwidgets for all the GUI stuff. Internally these buttons are created from PNG files that get built into the code and converted to a wxwidgets abstraction class for images, and then used...
  • PaulStoffregen
    PaulStoffregen replied to the thread Teensy.exe icon.
    It's on my list. So is missing toolbar on MacOS, also mentioned the the beta test thread. Probably not technically the same issue, but both likely to be addressed looking into the toolbar details (which really haven't changed since the very...
  • B
    Paul, thanks, The similar question I'm trying to answer is, can the T4 perform the equivalent of a power-on reset from one of the IMXRT1060's built-in WDT's without running a wire out and back in, so to speak? I'm not asking if any outside...
  • defragster
    defragster replied to the thread Teensy.exe icon.
    That's what led me here - should have linked back - seemed this new clean thread might allow it to get discovered and resolved on its own schedule with beta
  • C
    I am budgeting out/planning a MIDI organ, but I can't figure out a cheap scanning method. There are some similar threads on this forum, but none have the answers I need. I will be using three independent Fatar TP/9S keybeds and I want to know a...
  • T
    I am trying to code a display for a game I am making for a design class using a teensy 4.1. I figured an adafruit display would be a good display for a LCD beginner like me but most examples are made specifically for arduinos and the library's...
  • KurtE
    KurtE reacted to mjs513's post in the thread Teensy.exe icon with Like Like.
    Yeah a bunch of reports on the beta2 thread as well, here is one:
  • PaulStoffregen
    These section type conflict errors happen for a couple reasons. Can't see enough of your code to say why. Briefly, #1 use of PROGMEM on functions (it's meant for data) or FLASHMEM on data (it's meant for functions). It's kind of a silly...
  • mjs513
    mjs513 replied to the thread Teensy.exe icon.
    Yeah a bunch of reports on the beta2 thread as well, here is one:
  • J
    You seem to have a bunch of library conflicts there, in some cases the compiler is using the teensy libraries and other cases it isn't. Why do you have other copies of libraries that are included in the Teensy installation?
  • T
    Hello Team, We are able to connect - - Android Studio running on the MAC and TCL Tablet over Wi-Fi - TCL Tablet and Teensyduino RawHID connected through USB-C to Micro-USB cable - Teensy 4.0 successfully programmed through Tools > USB Type...
    • Screenshot 2024-10-03 at 5.15.06 PM.png
    • Page-12.drawio.png
  • E
    I.m using Teensy 4.1 under Win 10 Home with 32 Gb of memory using IDE 2.3.3. I get the following error message: ================== D:\AlsRevisedEd4\20WSoftware\SDT-mainBill\SDT-mainBill.ino: In function 'Splash'...
  • T
    timbraun reacted to tomas's post in the thread Stereo guitar/bass cabinet emulation with Like Like.
    Your project looks fantastic and I admire your productivity. Arriving to finished version in so little time is an achievement. I wish I could motivate myself to do more 🙂
  • T
    timbraun reacted to Pio's post in the thread Stereo guitar/bass cabinet emulation with Like Like.
    Got the AK5552+AK4452 working with 32bit/44.1kHz. The difference is huge. Practically zero oscillation and much lower noise. Here is a visual comparison of the hi gain preset 5 output, inputs are shorted to GND:
  • h4yn0nnym0u5e
    You're right, they could be done incrementally, though my feeling is that having only part of the changes will make things a bit unwieldy for anyone who wants to try them out. But that'd be Paul's call - so long as we cross-reference the PRs then...
  • T
    timbraun reacted to Pio's post in the thread Stereo guitar/bass cabinet emulation with Like Like.
    Oh, please, any fixes are welcome. Meanwhile, a track i have been working on for a few weeks. All sounds are made with using this project on T4.1+WM8731, some post processing is used on the mix, nothing too drastic, though.
  • T
    timbraun reacted to Pio's post in the thread Stereo guitar/bass cabinet emulation with Like Like.
    Teensy 4.0 Cabsim project update. Hardware tested successfully. I had to bodge in a few changes, the final pcb will have all of them updated. Main PCB: In the final version i made both, the Teensy and the display pads offset, so they can be...
  • h4yn0nnym0u5e
    Built and tried it, it works for me, both files play repeatedly as intended. The files themselves are fine. Only differences from your setup are I've used a Teensy 4.1, but I left the code as-is and put the files on the audio adaptor SD card, so...
  • KurtE
    KurtE replied to the thread Teensyduino 1.60 Beta #2.
    SoftwareSerial: Paul, Quick note: As you may have noticed on Arduino forum, I have been playing with your updated SoftwareSerial code, which is pretty nice. Wondering on the RX side, if there was a reason you stuck using digitalRead instead of...
  • A
    @h4yn0nnym0u5e: If we really make PRs at some point, I think we even don't need to make synced PRs for the core and for the audio library. We could split up our changes into three PRs: 1. A first PR can be done for the files in...
  • S
    okey i understant,its my first time i use teensy cause of a big project i have that it seems a good candidate,but why its so dificult to find library's for the 4x model? i dont get it.
  • joebmz98
    Evening, here are the audio files I was using
  • defragster
    Why would you want to use this chip? It's slower and has less capacity than the 128mb flash chips that are usually used with a Teensy 4.1.
  • J
    Why would you want to use this chip? It's slower and has less capacity than the 128mb flash chips that are usually used with a Teensy 4.1.
  • J
    I tried to train a model for it, with hidden_size of 16, it spent nearly all the processing power available... this hidden_size is the maximum that I can get.
  • KurtE
    KurtE reacted to shawn's post in the thread Teensyduino 1.60 Beta #2 with Like Like.
    I noticed that the Teensy loader app is missing the top buttons. macOS 14.7. Picture attached. Note that nothing happens when I click on the ">>" image on the right.
  • KurtE
    KurtE reacted to mjs513's post in the thread Teensyduino 1.60 Beta #2 with Like Like.
    With 2.3.3 on windows 11 If I click on the buttons they are active but looks mostly all greyed out. Cant remember if it was otherwise in previous revisions. EDIT: Checked IDE 1.8.19 and same thing
  • defragster That suggests it can do QSPI Quad access and has a 4x2...
  • defragster
    defragster replied to the thread Teensy.exe icon.
    Same here on Win 11 The 'Hover' Alternate labels appear and the buttons work - but icons are missing. The do not change when taken out of Auto mode:
    • 1727972346932.png
  • defragster
    defragster reacted to WMXZ's post in the thread Teensy.exe icon with Like Like.
    Using TD on Arduino2.0.3/4 on Windows11, I got this Icon, missing the program and reboot icon. Is that normal behavior?
  • defragster
    defragster reacted to KurtE's post in the thread Teensyduino 1.60 Beta #2 with Like Like.
    In my post #10 in this thread, my older MAC shows: Windows 11: Mine is like @mjs513, which I reported in post #9 on this thread. The First post I saw on it was at:
  • defragster
    defragster reacted to mjs513's post in the thread Teensyduino 1.60 Beta #2 with Like Like.
    With 2.3.3 on windows 11 If I click on the buttons they are active but looks mostly all greyed out. Cant remember if it was otherwise in previous revisions. EDIT: Checked IDE 1.8.19 and same thing
  • PaulS
    PaulS replied to the thread Wake on USB?.
    Looking further into the Snooze libary, I ran into the SnoozeUSBSerial example. Apparently you can use USB Serial output but it's not a wake-up source. So the USB interface is actually active in Sleep mode. Forum member @duff might be able to...
  • A
    I'm such a candid and naive man on this subject,i was ready to erase the PR's to get the new teensyduino, a chance we have a trace of your updates and gui adaptation on this thread. What do you want for testings? If i can help with...🤠
  • T
    Hi Can I increase the EEPROM size using M95P16-I M95P16-E? Can I solder M95P16-I M95P16-E on the PSRAM location of Teensy 4.1 board?
  • PaulS
    PaulS replied to the thread Wake on USB?.
    I'm not 100% sure, but isn't the USB interface inactive while in Sleep mode? Paul
  • PaulS
    You may want to open an issue at Rob Tillaart is very responsive and actually this current issue might be relevant to you. Paul
  • PaulS
    Line 7 of the example states Supported Micros: T-LC/3.x. Since the writer of the Snooze library is also a forum member here, you could try to PM him @duff . Paul
    • 1727965078015.png
  • h4yn0nnym0u5e
    No, so far neither of those are even at the PR stage, let alone being in a TD 1.60 beta. The multi-channel USB is quite complex, and will require synced PRs for both cores and Audio, plus ideally some buy-in from Paul to add options to the...
  • G
    I tried to train a model for it, with hidden_size of 16, it spent nearly all the processing power available... this hidden_size is the maximum that I can get.
    • 1727964516270.png
  • D
    Dogbone06 reacted to Harry888's post in the thread Teensy 4.1, FlexCAN_T4, Filtering with Like Like.
    I solved it. First enable FIFO then SetFilters.... Here is the solution #include <FlexCAN_T4.h> FlexCAN_T4<CAN1, RX_SIZE_256, TX_SIZE_16> Can1; CAN_message_t rxMsg; void setup(void) { Serial.begin(115200); Can1.begin()...
  • A
    I recover the "index-with-multi-TDM-and-USB" gui of the editor,that i put in the trash with the old "Audio-feature-multi-TDM" folder, thinking the update will be with all the new options with usb_oct,but it was not. So now i can play with usb_oct...
  • mjs513
    mjs513 reacted to KurtE's post in the thread Teensyduino 1.60 Beta #2 with Like Like.
    In my post #10 in this thread, my older MAC shows: Windows 11: Mine is like @mjs513, which I reported in post #9 on this thread. The First post I saw on it was at:
  • KurtE
    KurtE replied to the thread Teensyduino 1.60 Beta #2.
    In my post #10 in this thread, my older MAC shows: Windows 11: Mine is like @mjs513, which I reported in post #9 on this thread. The First post I saw on it was at:
    • 1727956236112.png
  • mjs513
    mjs513 replied to the thread Teensyduino 1.60 Beta #2.
    With 2.3.3 on windows 11 If I click on the buttons they are active but looks mostly all greyed out. Cant remember if it was otherwise in previous revisions. EDIT: Checked IDE 1.8.19 and same thing
    • 1727954314741.png
  • H
    I solved it. First enable FIFO then SetFilters.... Here is the solution #include <FlexCAN_T4.h> FlexCAN_T4<CAN1, RX_SIZE_256, TX_SIZE_16> Can1; CAN_message_t rxMsg; void setup(void) { Serial.begin(115200); Can1.begin()...
  • A
    Hi, I was using a USB host communication in the timer which caused some delays resulting in the code hang. Increasing the timer interval seemed to resolve the issue. Thank you
  • defragster
    defragster reacted to shawn's post in the thread Teensyduino 1.60 Beta #2 with Sad Sad.
    I noticed that the Teensy loader app is missing the top buttons. macOS 14.7. Picture attached. Note that nothing happens when I click on the ">>" image on the right.
  • defragster
    Ideally a complete sketch when posted allows others to copy and run the sketch. Are there other Serial.prints anywhere - that could be conflicting with the _ISR() TimerLoop() printing. Also, when posting code use the " </> " icon on the toolbar...
  • A
    Hi, I am try to run a 5mS Timer with the IntervalTimer.h in Teensy4.1 I am listening to serial port characters for begin/end timer. #define testTimerInterval 5000 // Timer Interval for PID loop in microsceconds 100-100uS 1000 - 1mS 10000 - 10...