I understand it better now, I have grilled my display, since I have all the pins directly on Teensy2.0, I have to see a txb0104 image for every single pin, which could be the solution of course with a new display
Take a look at <this> post & the other posts in the same thread . . . was addressing a different condition, but involved a similar discussion.
Mark J Culross
Does anyone know it this PSRAM will work. Seems Adafruit sells but it is made by ESP?
I *think* it is the same as the ESP chip on the pjrc site?
Just trying to...
Glad you got the USB cable issue sorted.
On the circuit safety question, I'm guessing you mean the photo with a breadboard? If the 5V power were to accidentally short directly to Teensy pin 0 (or any pin other than VIN / VUSB) your Teensy would...
Please remember we can't see your custom PCB over the internet, unless you show us. We can't see this unusual display which incorporates "A resistor is already implemented in my OLED display, which reduces the voltage from 5 volts to 3.3 volts"...
A resistor is already implemented in my OLED display, which reduces the voltage from 5 volts to 3.3 volts. I also use a Teensy 2.0 short version there is a Mosi connection according to the data sheet at pin 2 and a serial connection according to...
I'm looking at that library's ssd1306_128x32_spi example. It says software SPI is the default.
// Declaration for SSD1306 display connected using software SPI (default case):
#define OLED_MOSI 9
#define OLED_CLK 10
#define OLED_DC 11...
Hello Paul, thanks for answer.
I tried to operate it with the adafruit ssd1306 in Arduino IDE and the associated gfx library. I used the corresponding standard example of code for SPI 128x32 OLED Display from Adafruit 1306. My pins were...
Depends on which library you're using, and for libraries like most of Adafruit's, can also depend on how your program creates the instance. Many of those libraries can use any digital pin, where you just tell it which pin. But again, this...
Update Screen sync works without sound interruption but with display disruptions (image stripes). With UpdateScreen I have a good display image but with sound interruptions. I don't know ?
@charnjit: For changing between & playing multiple WAV files, [ICODEAudioMemory(24);][/ICODE] seems low. Have you tried bumping up the amount of audio memory allocated ?? Have you tried adding a periodic call to AudioMemoryUsage(); &...
Opamp is powered from the same 3.3V as the Teensy. If the gain is too high the signal will be simply clipped at that level. The amp can't produce an output voltage that is higher than it's power rail. At least not in this application.
In practice...
If you have just one SPI slave, maybe you can enable the slave by driving its nCS with a constant.
not all SPI slave devices work this way: some chips require to toggle nCS so that the chip can "see" a completed SPI transaction.
Not really...
Dear Paul,
I have had the USB cable plugged into another extension USB cable. I have now tried it without the extension cable in between and suddenly I am able to upload code to the Teensy again!
Just for my own sanity: Could you confirm that...
Here is the log from Uploading:
17:42:02.240 (loader): remote connection 1400 opened
17:42:02.240 (loader): remote cmd from 1400: "comment: Teensyduino 1.59 - WINDOWS (teensy_post_compile)"
17:42:02.240 (loader): remote cmd from 1400: "status"...
Yes, technical understanding helps, it is the prerequisite. Their use of the word "stability" now makes sense. The explanation of setup and hold time and the interaction with propagation time seems a little bit confusing. Let's see if I can...
In Teensy Loader, click Help > Verbose Information. Clear the log (click Log menu in the Verbose Info window), then try loading code, then save the log to a file. You can share it here with "Attach files". Might need to put it in a zip archive...
Hi Paul, thank you for your quick reply! I should have mentioned: the steps above to replicate the issue have been all done while only having the Teensy connected to my computer. The Teensy itself is not connected to any electrical circuit anymore.
This is a good sign. Teensy is probably still working.
Often this sort of problem happens because external circuitry uses too much power or has grounding problems (in conflict with ground connected through your PC) or interferes in difficult to...
Hello! I received a Teensy 4.1 today but it appears to not work (anymore). Please find below a simple list of steps to illustrate the issue. Please note that there is also a short “history” of what I did at the bottom.
Problem flow
I use...
Thanks for your response. I will study how and what I can do best. My thoughts go to SPI without cs, because I only have one slave. I think it would also be possible without MISO, because the data always goes in one direction. I have to look how...
But to talk seriously about the actual underlying tech, generally speaking timing in synchronous (clocked) digital circuitry is all about complying with setup and hold time requirements. If you're not familiar with flip flop setup and hold time...
Hi again @Pio, I have a question about the op-amp version of the circuit.
I understand that RV1 controls the gain of the op-amp. I also notice in your simulation, if you change the expression pedal from 10K to 50K, the voltage can spike super...
I am trying to make 16 pad loop sampler as coded in my sketch below . i assign 28buttons (16 for play a wav file in loop mode , 8 to control others functions, a pot to control audio volume, Rotary Enc to inc/dec playback speed control...
NXP, obviously, though inconsisteny like "F(op)" versus "F(SCK)" kinda makes it look like copypasta.
An NXP employee or contractor risks a reprimand or poor performance review, if there's even the slightest implication they advised you to do...
Why do I need a voltage logic shifter if the display already has a voltage regulator implemented in the form of a resistor?
Where should the reset pin be on Teensy2.0 pin0 or pin3?
Moderator Edit: 18 messages from another thread were moved here. See msg #19 for first new message starting this thread
First, aside...
Yeah I've already tried the first two of the three below (from the link) and they didn't work.
# These can be overridden in platform.local.txt
Hello Kurt. Thank you for your comments. I will test some of what you said. For the frame buffer I use the function "updateChangedAreasOnly". This reduces the data transfer for small blocks, e.g. voice level display (this works without audio...
According to the manufacturer's description, this display can be operated with both 3.3 and 5 volts. The reset pin can be omitted; this is only necessary if the display freezes during operation. So it should also work without a reset pin.
Sorry as I tried to imply with the update to first post:
The things you are setting in the platform.local.txt are specific to the ESP32's build, i.e. their
You need to look through the Teensy version and see if there is some...
If you use tft.updateScreen(), timing wise, more or less the same as tft.fillScreen(some_color)...
And yes the comments about
As mentioned, we could add an endTransaction()... beingTransaction()... after each scan line or the like, maybe with a...
More on the continuing adventures with NXP support.
Here is the message that arrived, taking back what they wrote in the previous message:
I replied by repeating the question that I sent them at the beginning of the support ticket.
What version of arduino are you using? Latest one has command to reload or interpret or like that might help. Sorry not at my computer so don’t remember exact command
Edit: Also, you may want to check that the teensy uses those defines in it's...