I don't remember for sure where I downloaded that The PDF from, but it appears to be the same as:
As do any of these make sense... Nope. Sorry
“Easily” is almost certainly a no, though I could be wrong.
The fundamental issue is that for efficient streaming of multiple files, you need to read in quite big chunks - 4kB is a sweet spot for SD, typically. For current technology. It’s...
Ok, that makes sense. But now that I know that the Teensy Variable Playback changes don't require the Teensy Audio library changes, I am wondering if the Teensy Variable Playback changes are/can be easily interrupt safe, specifically playing...
Can you share where you got your doc? The one I'm using doesn't have that table. Also, the register documentation I'm using shows the COM15 config of x0 listed as 'Normal RGB'...? Further, the pixel data output cells in the table don't seem to...
Sorry, my thoughts keep pouring in instead of altogether at once. First, thank you so much again, really inspired by this progress. I was kind of dreading the current state of sampling on my box, and now I'm looking forward to seeing how far I...
Whatever works for your application, really. I'm just glad someone's pushing the boundaries a bit, and willing to supply test cases. I'm under no illusions my code is bug-free... I was wondering if having several layers of directories was slowing...
Sorry, my thoughts keep pouring in instead of altogether at once. First, thank you so much again, really inspired by this progress. I was kind of dreading the current state of sampling on my box, and now I'm looking forward to seeing how far I...
Though, with lowering the RESAMPLE_BUFFER_SAMPLE_SIZE to 512 it seems better playback wise and I haven't encountered a crash yet, less slop between various samples firing at the same time vs. when I had it at 2048. I think I could even get away...
Just jumping in here to say that I'm using Nic's library in my O_CT4.1 development, building a 2-deck DJ-style file player, experimenting on this branch (watch out, it's messy). I've hacked in a few things: tolerating unknown WAV metadata to find...
Ok, yeah not surprising about the buffer size issue, I was wondering if that might be it.
Also interesting is that the two patterns it cycles through switch the track assignments so that the sample voices are already swapping between different...
By the way I use a USB 3 port on the PC.
Now I am building the prototype of a fan controller that I will install on the PC to better regulate three pwm fans. I will use a 5" NHD FT813 screen
I have an OV7670 working at a basic level with a T4.1, where I can store the frame in an add-on RAM unit and forward it to a PC via ethernet. The camera documentation says GRB4:2:2 is supported but I don't see any configuration registers...
The specs for writing to the display in 24 bit parallel interface mode for COLMOD = 666 is to send data on D0-D17, so I think it's fair to say, based on your research and experiments, there is no specific 18 bit parallel interface mode, but you...
OK, so, there seems to be nothing wrong with my library code after all! The problem is, the heap just isn't big enough for the playback buffers. I keep forgetting that they're specified in samples, so 2048x7 is actually 28kB per object, and we...
The installers are all still on the server. Just right click to copy the download URL, then paste in your browser address bar, but before you press Enter edit the 3 digit number for the version. Likewise for the beta installers, or you could...
The specs for writing to the display in 24 bit parallel interface mode for COLMOD = 666 is to send data on D0-D17, so I think it's fair to say, based on your research and experiments, there is no specific 18 bit parallel interface mode, but you...
The installers are all still on the server. Just right click to copy the download URL, then paste in your browser address bar, but before you press Enter edit the 3 digit number for the version. Likewise for the beta installers, or you could...
I'm working on a circuit that uses a AMC3336 isolated ADC and need to convert the output to a reading of the applied input voltage. Sinc3 filter is mentioned in the data sheet and I am acquiring a C2000 dev board but in the meantime I wanted to...
@AndyA with your code and suggestions I have tried to modify code and made adjustments with the layout.
My two pieces of code: one for transmitting and one for receiving messages.
The transmitter initializes the CAN bus at 500 kbps and uses a...
#include <FlexCAN_T4.h> // Include the FlexCAN_T4 library
FlexCAN_T4<CAN1, CAN2, TX_SIZE, RX_SIZE> Can1; // Initialize CAN1 object with TX and RX buffer sizes
// Initialize CAN bus at 500 kbps
void setup() {
The specs for writing to the display in 24 bit parallel interface mode for COLMOD = 666 is to send data on D0-D17, so I think it's fair to say, based on your research and experiments, there is no specific 18 bit parallel interface mode, but you...
It is and isn't... Like seeing a complete listing of the boards.txt and platform.txt is not overly interesting, although can help some
Like I saw it was c++14...
However, some of the most related stuff, there is very little information, like I...
@DJETH - I decided to test the difference in transfer speeds between 8Bit buss and 16Bit buss displaying this image:
Using this sketch:
// testing.ino
#include "RA8876_Config_8080.h"
#include <RA8876_t41_p.h>
#include "Teensy41_Cardlike.h"
I am looking through some of the files I have on my computer... Not 100% sure if I uploaded this version or not...
Some of the versions of the boards are up at...
I forgot to mention... You stated
Good catch... Not your first rodeo... I mistakenly had the LA lead on the 3.3volt supply and not pin 25. Thank you for pointing that out.
Whitebengal and BriComp,
Thanks for the info on the Nextion...
Actually, so long as the programmer makes just a bit of effort to parse fairly basic WAV files, they're a lot easier than RAW. They contain vital information about how many channels you have, the sample rate, and whether the file is really 16-bit...
Actually, so long as the programmer makes just a bit of effort to parse fairly basic WAV files, they're a lot easier than RAW. They contain vital information about how many channels you have, the sample rate, and whether the file is really 16-bit...
I forgot to mention... You stated
Good catch... Not your first rodeo... I mistakenly had the LA lead on the 3.3volt supply and not pin 25. Thank you for pointing that out.
Whitebengal and BriComp,
Thanks for the info on the Nextion...
Thanks @h4yn0nnym0u5e and I was also thinking if the specifics of the WAV parsing are a hangup, we could work with RAW files instead. I know WAV is more user-friendly, but I'm not really planning on having stereo sample support at first, and I...
I hear you... When I started playing the the RA8875 and later the RA8876, I was always having problems with my wiring... And that was
So I have my own board I plug into back of it…
nothing fancy but allows me too play.
with the...
I hear you... When I started playing the the RA8875 and later the RA8876, I was always having problems with my wiring... And that was
So I have my own board I plug into back of it…
nothing fancy but allows me too play.
with the...
Your output report has lots of stuff in it :D But not some of the more interesting stuff that, But not sure if all of the stuff that Arduino builds would give you. Been awhile since I did many Teensy 3.x builds.
Using library MPU6050 version...
I tried the hardware version again and now it works. No idea why the first attempt was a failure in that the board would not respond. This code appears to be enough to get it running and eliminate the need for a modified AD9833.cpp file. I used...
I've used a 12-position rotary switch as an input. I put 1K resistors between each terminal, creating a voltage divider. The last terminal goes to ground, the first terminal through another 1K resistor to +3.3v. The wiper goes to an analog...
@graydetroit thanks for that, got it all and investigating now. There's definitely "something rotten in the State of Denmark", I'm getting intermittent crashes when playback is started, specifically during loading of the buffers with audio data...
The source code and all the libraries on both PC's is identical, as I copied it all from my older PC to my newer one.
I believe the 'bad' (OTA) code hangs in the same place after a power cycle.
Early on in this thread I posted hex files from...
Just jumping in here to say that I'm using Nic's library in my O_CT4.1 development, building a 2-deck DJ-style file player, experimenting on this branch (watch out, it's messy). I've hacked in a few things: tolerating unknown WAV metadata to find...
I use the Nextion display on a number of my projects.
I find them excellent, you can even offload simple routines to the display whilst the Teensy get's on with more complex stuff.
I have written a skeletal driver, now up to version 2, for them...
If you want a slightly lower-tech solution, I would recommend a:
They use a TTL serial interface to pass metadata back and forth based on the user's actions. Micro programs run in the display to handle all screen...
Sorted it out now thanks to both of you. In my defence I am an old git who does not clearly understand all the terminology, started using Ubuntu 15 years ago, it's a struggle to get things working, but worth it rather than Windows.
Sorted it out now thanks to both of you. In my defence I am an old git who does not clearly understand all the terminology, started using Ubuntu 15 years ago, it's a struggle to get things working, but worth it rather than Windows.
If it's Ubuntu 22 or older, everything should work normally. As Defragster explained, use Boards Manager from within Arduino IDE.
It also work on Ubuntu 24, but you might need to change a security setting for Arduino IDE to run at all.
The old...
The TeensyDuino Installer is for the IDE ONE :: 1.8.19 versions - and only works when those IDE files are found.
For IDE TWO :: 2.3.2 the install comes through the Board Manager.
For install steps look here...