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    • luni
      If your Teensy is already in bootloader mode you can read out the USB-HID usage constant with (probably) any HID library. The HID-Usage then defines the Board. See here for a list...
    • luni
      Thanks for spotting it. I just published v3.2.2 on GitHub which fixes the issue. May take a few hours until the Arduino & PlO library managers detect the changed version.
    • luni
      Sorry, it is in your library folder `EncoderTool/src/Single/Encoder.h`
    • luni
      OK, I can reproduce the issue with powercycling. During the `begin()` function the library sets the pinmode of the input pins to the required value and immediately after that reads in the starting values of the A/B pins. For some reason I don't...
    • luni
      The datasheet is a bit unclear, can it be that this encoder has only half a quadrature period per detent? You can try by setting it to CountMode::full and see how much the count value increases if you rotate the encoder by one detent. I tested...
    • luni
      I tested your code with a directly connected encoder (common GND) without any additional stuff. It works without issue here.
    • luni
      Looks like it doesn't read the pinlevels at startup correctly. How did you connect the encoder?
    • luni
      Thats not an error in your code but some glitch in the Arduino IDE. Seems like deleting the files in your temp folder fixes ist:
    • luni
      If you switch the standard library from the default newlib to newlib-nano your size difference shrinks down to a few 100 bytes. Here some info about the two versions of the standard library...
    • luni
      I recently stumbled over std::optional which comes in handy for such situations. Of course, changing an already published API is a no-go, but std::optional seems to be a nice tool for the toolbox... #include <optional> std::optional<unsigned>...
    • luni
      luni replied to the thread Very high code RAM usage.
      Instead of SMALLEST_CODE you could also try to add --specs=nano.specs which will switch to newlib-nano (same as SMALLEST_CODE does) but keeps the optimization level.
    • luni
      luni replied to the thread Very high code RAM usage.
      Looks like you don't compile for gnu++17. Make sure -std=gnu++17 is set in your build options
    • luni
      You are right of course. To be on the save side one should use DMAMEM alignas(A) uint8_t buf[sizeof (A)]; // statically allocate memory for an object of type A to allocate the buffer.
    • luni
      Here a quick test which shows that the compiler relys on initialization during startup. class A { public: int i = 42; const int c = 17; void print() { Serial.printf("i=%d &i=%p\n", i, &i); Serial.printf("c=%d...
    • luni
      luni replied to the thread Help with Teensy Loader.
      I have successfully worked on a proof of concept to upload ehex files with TeensySharp. However, I haven't integrated it into the library yet. Anyway, the purpose of TeensySharp is to allow users to integrate Teensy detection and firmware upload...
    • luni
      Actually isPressed() returns the debounced state of the button. So, replacing pressed() by isPressed() in @japreja s code should work. Here an example showing the behaviour of isPressed() #include "Bounce2.h" Button b1; void setup() {...
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    • luni
      luni replied to the thread Lightweight C++ callbacks.
      Thanks, I'll fix that. However, CallbackHelper was just an experiment to understand how those things work. Please note that since the new TD1.59, the core contains teensy::Inplace_function which is a much better solution.
    • luni
      luni replied to the thread Encoder Tester.
      Thanks for spotting this. I'll have a look
    • luni
      You can't. For frequency measurements see here: For pulse height you need to use analogRead, but that will be difficult if you have short pulses For pulse width see here...
    • luni
      Paul gave you the link to the documentation of the library in #13 above. It contains all information how to use it. However, it does not contain a "simple list of commands". I can give you examples if you tell us what you want to achieve with...
    • luni
      You didn't specify how precice you need that pulse. If you only need something roughly 10ns you can use the following code. It will generate a pulse of about 13ns every 50ms. IntervalTimer timer; void pulse() { digitalWriteFast(0,HIGH)...
    • luni
      luni replied to the thread using DMAMEM.
      Technically you'd put the objects in DMAMEM, not the class. Here an example: c1 lives in ITCM, c2 lives in DMAMEM and c3 in FLASHMEM class myClass { public: unsigned i = 42; }; myClass c1; DMAMEM myClass c2; FLASHMEM const myClass c3; void...
    • luni
      luni replied to the thread WebUSB on teensy.
      I just gave WebSerial a try. This is also very simple to use: Here a simple test web page: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Page Title2</title> </head> <body> <h1>WebSerial Tester</h1> <button type="button"...
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    • luni
      luni replied to the thread WebUSB on teensy.
      @PaulS, Maybe I didn't understand this correctly, but I always thought WebUSB is a low level API where you directly communicate to endpoints / interfaces etc. Thus, wouldn't you need a corresponding driver on the Teensy side to make this work...
    • luni
      Actully accelstepper::run() is not very expensive and the T4.1 processor is quite fast. Here a simple test which moves 4 steppers with random parameters. tick() calls the run() functions of the steppers in a timer interrupt every 100µs. During...
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    • luni
      Did you try to simply call the accelstepper::run() functions from a timer interrupt?
    • luni
      luni replied to the thread WebUSB on teensy.
      In case WebHID is sufficient: I did try it some time ago, it worked nicely with minimal code: I just tried it, it still compiles...
    • luni
      If resetting the device would do what you need, you could use tyCommander:
      • 1706877386304.png
    • luni
      luni replied to the thread Teensyduino 1.59 Beta #5.
      Yes, I'll never understand why the Arduino IDE doesn't have a simple "clean all". Anyway, the note is issued during compiling, not linking. So, in this case forcing a rebuild doesn't help.
    • luni
      luni replied to the thread Teensyduino 1.59 Beta #5.
      I can reproduce that with @PaulStoffregen s code. I also saw that the warning/note is generated by the compiler, not the linker. So, opposed to what was written in the StackOverflow link it doesn't help doing a clean recompile. Anyway, you can...
    • luni
      If you post the hex file I can try to reproduce the issue.
    • luni
      luni replied to the thread Teensyduino 1.59 Beta #5.
      The warning seems to be about linking code compiled with an older compiler to code compiled with a newer compiler. See here for details: Are you sure that you are doing a clean rebuild? Are you...
    • luni
      luni replied to the thread Teensyduino 1.59 Beta #5.
      There still is a leftover from the old code in intervaltimer.h: here the corresponding PR...
    • luni
      Registering an interrupt service routine (ISR) is usually done by storing its address in a table (often called the "vector table"). The IntervalTimer.begin() function does this for you. If an interrupt wtih number n occurs, the processor...
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