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    • T
      I am in the process of adding the R-pi Pico board that has two SPI ports to the GDSTx library for EVEx displays. On the Teensy 4.1 board it was enough to use the SDIO reader. I have been able to access the second SPI port with these lines in the...
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      You are right Paul, just as very fast and high-capacity microSD memories have emerged, it is also a fact that these small memories have practically disappeared and the ones we have left can no longer be used as before. My shield gameduino 3 that...
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      The FS.h warning is in the SdFat.h file, on line 448, I think it can be omitted by adding a line like this: #if __has_include(<FS.h>) #define HAS_INCLUDE_FS_H // #warning File not defined because __has_include(FS.h) #endif //...
      • warning.jpg
      • warning out.jpg
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      In my case, I use IDE 1.8.19 because it is the version that does not give me errors with sketches that have many tabs. The IDE 2.x has given me a lot of headaches. In case of tracking down an error in the code it is easier, the excesses of help...
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      TD = teensyduino The SDFat library was updated by Greiman a few years ago to make the library more compatible with SDIO, around the time of the release of Teensy 4. He redesigned several functions of the library and since these new changes were...
      • SDIO bench T41_256Gb.jpg
    • T
      Try this: #include <SdFat.h> // grieman's SdFat_beta, unmodified #include <SPI.h> SdFs SD; FsFile inputfile; // input data file FsFile outputfile...
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