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    • Q
      quiver replied to the thread SPI, DMA, EventResponder?.
      Wise folk! I'd really love your help. I've jumped through a lot of hoops on this project already, including making 3-wire SPI happen (because when I did my due diligence I wasn't thorough enough and read 3-wire SPI as simply meaning no MISO...
    • Q
      FWIW, I did get this to work by modifying the SPI.cpp file in Paul's SPI library. port().TCR = (tcr & 0xfffff000) | LPSPI_TCR_FRAMESZ(8); // turn on 9 bit mode Literally just pinched that from the transfer16 function in there (duplicated the...
    • Q
      Hi folks, There was this old discussion about 9-bit SPI on Teensy 3.2. I wondered if it's any more accessible on Teensy 4.0 ? Does the MCU allow for it? If so, is there some code I can find to initialise this, or modify the SPI library to allow...
    • Q
      quiver replied to the thread QNEthernet connect() grief.
      Hi Shawn, thanks for this library and for such a comprehensive response! My code above - which I drastically reduced from the main program to try and rule other factors out - gave me about the same amount of grief (with nc -lvk 80) as I was...
    • Q
      I make interfacing devices that use a mix of UDP and TCP, and usually have a small webserver for configuration. I was using embedded T3.2's, then T4's with Wiznet W5500's, but these days I largely use the Teensy 4.1 with its native ethernet...
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