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    • shmorgan
      What NFC reader are you planning on using? The one that I have played with so far is from GoToTags, it seems to work pretty well.
    • shmorgan
      Been a while on this thread, but thought I'd give it a shot... I have a similar application where I'd like to host a USB NFC card reader via a Teensy 4.1 host port. Were you able to get this going, and is there any code released? Thank you!
    • shmorgan
      It has been awhile and KurtE was very helpful. I had to put this on the back burner until our season was over, and am now looking at this again. I was able to detect reading a Card, and trigger a relay. Our first version required nothing more...
    • shmorgan
      shmorgan replied to the thread grblHAL on a Teensy 4.1.
      Phil, Any chance you have the eagle files for the latest board? I found the schematic on Github and was able to import into easyEDA, but could not find the actual eagle board file. I use JLCPCB all the time and would love to get this setup in...
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