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    • E
      Expensive Notes replied to the thread Dalek Synth.
      Thanks taj-ninny. The potentiometers were bought from a local store in Melbourne called Jaycar. The knobs on the end I acquired from my father along with lots of tools etc. when he died nearly 30 years ago. I don't know were he got them from, he...
    • E
      Expensive Notes replied to the thread Dalek Synth.
      Thank you Kris.
    • E
      I converted my toy Dalek into a synth. Inside is a Teeny 4.1 and Audio Card. The antenna and arms are potentiometers and joysticks and I used the fasttouch library for the touch buttons on the Dalek. Here are the innards...
      • Bespoke Dalek Synth Large.jpeg
    • E
      Expensive Notes replied to the thread Dalek Synth.
      Thank you.
    • E
      I modified a toy Dalek I was given (its original function was broken) to become a bespoke synth. Here is a demo of it, version 1. The internals include a Teensy 4.1 and Audio card.
    • E
      I see you asked about this a couple of years ago, and were told about fastTouch then. So I wrote a little benchmark to see how fast it really was. I have a box with 12 fastTouch pins and a T4. Here's the code:#include <FastTouch.h> void setup()...
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