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      Expensive Notes replied to the thread Dalek Synth.
      Thank you Kris.
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      I converted my toy Dalek into a synth. Inside is a Teeny 4.1 and Audio Card. The antenna and arms are potentiometers and joysticks and I used the fasttouch library for the touch buttons on the Dalek. Here are the innards...
      • Bespoke Dalek Synth Large.jpeg
    • E
      Expensive Notes replied to the thread Dalek Synth.
      Thank you.
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      I modified a toy Dalek I was given (its original function was broken) to become a bespoke synth. Here is a demo of it, version 1. The internals include a Teensy 4.1 and Audio card.
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      I see you asked about this a couple of years ago, and were told about fastTouch then. So I wrote a little benchmark to see how fast it really was. I have a box with 12 fastTouch pins and a T4. Here's the code:#include <FastTouch.h> void setup()...
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      Expensive Notes reacted to PaulStoffregen's post in the thread SD card initialization with Like Like.
      If you (or other people) have not yet reformatted your SD card, please DO NOT reformat it now. All SD cards come properly formatted. Many people have wasted a lot of their time with reformatting, when the real problem was not card formatting at...
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