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    • A
      So if they are the same priority they will wait, for each other to finish. But what if they are the same priority and they occur at the same time?
    • A
      I'm curious about how the teensy handles interrupts with the same priority. More specifically, if I have multiple attachInterrupts which all have a default priority of 128 and they get called at the same time, how does the teensy handle this...
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      ajc225 replied to the thread Suggestions for recording data.
      Thank you for the explanation! This was very helpful. Would you be able to expand on this statement a bit? I have USB 3.0 on my computer which, with a quick google search, says it can support rates up to 5Gbps. So is this more dependent on the...
    • A
      ajc225 replied to the thread Suggestions for recording data.
      Hi, thank you for the input and sorry for the confusion. I am using hardware serial to send the data at a baud rate of 2Mbaud. For this, each teensy is sending an array of info [startByte, a, b, c, d] where elements a, b, c, d are the important...
    • A
      Hi, I'm trying to record data and figure out the best method to try to retain the most information possible. Currently, I have 2 teensy4.1 sending 4x16uint every 10kHz or a complete package of data (64bits) every 2kHz. I will be running the...
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