USB Ethernet?

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Is any of the Teensy 3.x (or LC) family capable of appearing as an Ethernet device over USB? I've used plug-and-play adapters, and wondered if the Teensy is capable of this kind of thing.

This is for a project that started out sending touch coordinates over serial, but the requirements recently changed and now it's supposed to use TUIO. I'd love to be able to make this change in firmware, and avoid using an Ethernet board adapter. My current program is about 20kB and doesn't use much RAM, if that's relevant.
It's theoretically possible, but no software exists. I've had CDC-ETH on my long-term wish list, but absolutely no work has been done on it. It's unlikely anything will happen on this in 2016, since so many other things are planned.
Thank you Paul. I saw the comments in usb_desc.h about adding a new interface, so I'm going to give it a try myself.
Thanks for the quick reply. @PaulStoffregen, from a high level what would be involved in implementing this? Is it simply adding a new usb config and extending the cdc code for handling EEM packets?
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