Cycles to LDVAL in PIT explanation (IntervalTimer)

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Hi everyone, I was trying to analyze the IntervalTimer function to understand the implementation and its correspondence on the data sheet.
I cannot understand why the cycles to set on LDVALn (Timer Load VALue register) are dependent on F_BUS in IntervalTimer.h
Here is the line 53 taken by the file at the path Programs(x86)\Arduino\hardware\teensy\avr\cores\teensy3\IntervalTimer.h :

uint32_t cycles = (F_BUS / 1000000) * microseconds - 1;

By reading at the data sheet (pag 909) it says that the period should be 20 ns = 1/50MHz:

Schermata 2017-12-16 alle 20.10.22.jpg

Thus the number of cycles should NOT depend on the bus frequency, but I'm sure I missed something.
Which relation exists between the formula on the data sheet and the line of code? What am I missing?

Thanks in advance for any reply, Leo
There is written "In the example configuration" (which seems to use a F_BUS of 50MHz).

The PITs are definitively clocked by F_BUS (when not daisy-chained) which is 48MHz when your Teensy 3.2 runs at 96MHz and is only 36MHz when your Teensy 3.2 runs at 72MHz.
Thank you @Theremingenieur... now I see! (sorry for being such a blind)

Schermata 2017-12-16 alle 21.53.56.png

Pag. 902 - PIT Block Diagram
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