Teensy/Arduino library documentation

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Well-known member
I am new to Arduino and Teensy, but have coded in several languages (not C, C++ or variants) and have done a lot with various Atmel chips. So far, I am getting along ok with the basics, but what I am struggling with is finding documentation on the various libraries of functions. I might find a TFT library, for example, but then I have no way to know what functions, parameters or syntax to use. Am I overlooking something?
Thanks, Len
Have you got a particular device at hand? If it is from SparkFun or Adafruit or other they may have a tutorial - or there may be a forum thread if the library source/header are the only documentation.
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Usually the best info comes from installing the library, then clicking File > Examples > [LibName] to open one or more of its examples. Almost all libs come with examples to demonstrate how to use their features. No matter how much or how little documentation exists, as a practical matter almost everyone starts by running the examples and copying parts of the example code.
Thanks Paul, that is what I have been doing, but it feels a little haphazard. I will get used to it... I really like the Teensy 3.6. To think the I have a 180 MhZ M4 board in a form factor barely bigger that a 40 pin DIP!!!
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