Can't use BUILTIN_SDCARD on Teensy 3.5

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Version Info
Teensy 3.5
Arduino 1.8.2
Visual Micro 1705.8
Visual Studio 15.2

OK, so I'm trying to find out what the "official" way of using the board's built-in SD card is.

The site says it is supported in SD.h, and I tried downloading his and overwriting Arduino's built-in SD card library. It's clearly SPI, which isn't optimal, but also it seems to call on a CS variable called "BUILTIN_SDCARD" which does not exist.

What I would prefer is an SDIO method. All I have really found on this site is a reference to a beta version of sdfat, followed by reports of tons of errors.

Is there a straightforward rundown of how to use the Teensy 3.5's built-in SD card in an optimal way?
My guess is you're using the wrong SD library... not the one from a recent version of Teensyduino which supports BUILTIN_SDCARD.

Perhaps try in Arduino. Just select Teensy in Tools > Boards. Then open File > Examples > SD > listfiles. Look at the comments. If Arduino opened the example from Teensyduino's SD lib, you should see a comment about BUILTIN_SDCARD. Of course, editing the code to use BUILTIN_SDCARD should work when you click Verify.

If this works in Arduino, but the same files in Visual Micro, you'll probably have better luck posting on Visual Micro's forum.
OK, I deleted the existing SD folder altogether and placed in yours. It all seems to work just fine now. Thanks!

Is this SPI or SDIO?
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