Teensy VMWare Connection Issues

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New member
I am new to teensy and Arduino stuff

I am using a Teensy 3.6 on Arduino 1.8.9

On my Mac OS there is no connection problems ever and everything works perfectly, but when ever I try to replicate those programs using VMWare Fusion running Ubuntu 64-bit 16.04.6 I have problems.

So I connect the teensy in to the system then upload the program. The program will upload without problem, but about 2 seconds later I will get the message :
The connection for the USB device 'Van Ooijen Technische Informatica Teensy MIDI' was unsuccessful. Driver Error.

Then it will refuse to upload until I unplug and replug in the teensy
Under Tools>Port The teensy port is gone until repluging in the teensy

I can get an output if the program is suppose to have a constant output and after uploading the program I unplug and replug then open the serial monitor

Any help would be appriciated
Cant help much, but I remember I had it working with a 3.1, with ubuntu in a virtual box (windows host). Years ago, too much time to remember any detail..
I'm just running into the same issue, any chance you have found out how to get around it?
I'm running VMWare Fusion 11.5 (which by the way fixed my driver issue with an Atmel ICE in Windows 10).
I guess maybe this is just something VMWare has to fix somehow?
Frank, any chance you can push your memory and help figure this out? :D

thank you
Yeah I never figured it out.
I ended up just finding the pattern of disconnection and just dealing with having to plug and unplug it
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