Teensy 3 as AVR ISP programmer?

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Oh cool, thanls. Might be handy.

I am really after a bootloader that allows me to program a 328au over i2c, or serial at a push. I was looking at Rotwang's work which looks good but not got it working yet.

I feel like optiboot can accept flash program over serial but again I'm still not sure how to do that. Maybe it is as simple as sending via serial rather than SPI? Some of this is certainly above my head I fear.
Never used 328 much, too limited for what my clients need.
Weakest MCU used by my clients is the mega2560.
Finally got to working on this and I'm being bombarded with compile errors due to OCR1A etc. now I understand that this is a timer register that doesn't exist in the Teensy 3.6.

I have read this page https://www.pjrc.com/teensy/td_timing_IntervalTimer.html but I'm still feeling like this is way over my head.

Are people generally just swapping out the OCR1A timer stuff that is written for AVR and replacing it with myTimer? or is that a gross oversimplification? Will I need to basically rewrite timer realted code in most cases?

I know this is a super general question but i'm not even sure where to start looking at the code so specifics are as I say way over my head.
It's used to generate an 8MHz signal on pin 9. You can comment this stuff out if your board has a crystal.
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