OctoWS2811 and RxTx

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Well-known member
Hi all, I have been trying to find some information on Teensy3.0 pins zero and one to use Rx Tx whilst using the OctoWS2811 library, but not finding anything about this.

Are either of these pins reserved for another function by Octo, as I can get the bluetooth module (JY-MCU) set up and running using the FastSPI library on multiple pins at the same time, but there seems to be some sort of conflict with the Octo library. I am using the SoftwareSerial library to communicate between the Teensy and android via the JY-MCU module.

I have the OctoWS2811 lib running perfectly well as a stand alone, not using any serial connections, just preloaded scripts to show scrolling text and patterns.

any thoughts, experience and guidance would be welcome.

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