MIDI + Serial data: same time, same usb cable. How to?

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A. Williams

Well-known member
For my current project, I need to use a teensy board to send midi data. However, I also need to receive serial data (from a processing sketch). Could someone please inform me how to do this?

I am currently using a teensy 2.0 board.

thanks again for your help!
no help; some links

Needing $USBthing1 and $USBthing2 is a recurring thing. I would love to see a program with a radio button menu to add / subtract what peripherals you want the Teensy to have (perhaps with name fields) and then have the necessary custom files for Teensy 2 or 3 baked up that you could then use from the drop down menu. I'm not even sure it's possible, but it'd be nice. Until something like that falls from the sky, please note:


Which is recent and has a helpful blurb from Paul. See also:

this thread (cmason links seem helpful, though teensy3)

Multiple MIDI ports discussion--warning: saga length! teensy 2

And finally this...also Teensy 2
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