Teensy 3 Ambilight project

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Hi guys,
Is is possible to use Teensy 3 with 300led (60led/m) ws2811 to create an ambilight project? linux xbmc or windows (not picky at this stage)
I haven't seen any posts or code for doing so on the forums.

I know ws2811 have crazy timing issues but I remember someone saying that ws2811 code is in the works that will be able to drive over 1000 leds on teensy 3.

Some arduino codes for ambilight specifically says up to 100 or 150 leds, not sure is it because of arduino specs or due to ws2811 timing problems.

Any help or pointing (pushing) in the right direction is appreciated.

... but I remember someone saying that ws2811 code is in the works that will be able to drive over 1000 leds on teensy 3.

Yes. OctoWS2811 was published several months ago. Since then, many people have used it for large-scale LED projects. This project is among the largest, using 12800 LEDs with 60 Hz update rate.

So far, I'm not aware of anyone using OctoWS2811 for a larger Ambilight project, but it certainly could be. If you go for it, I hope you'll post some updates with your progress, maybe even share code for others who would want to do build it?
Hey K G B, any luck with your project?

I've been researching for about three weeks and still haven't gotten anywhere with it. About the only thing I've found is a couple of videos of this working but no info on how they went about it.
There's a great guide that shows start to finish how to do it with ws2801 leds and a Teensy 2, but as I'm about as far away from being an electronics expert as you can get, I have no idea if the same steps can be used for Teensy 3.0 and ws2811 leds.

I truly am lost at this point so if you do have any luck please let us know. Cheers.
I does exactly what you want but uses slightly different hardware. The hardware is the easy part of this project and was not what I was referring to! The blog you are referring to belongs to the guy that has written the Fast_SPI libraries if I am not mistaken. There are a lot more guys than a couple that have figured out to work with these libraries as they are extremely popular.

The trick in your project is to make the LED lighting mimicking the colors on your computer screen. The software in the Adalight is written in processing is the real magic in this project
I just looked at the Adalight code. Seem like it ought to be fairly simple to create an example for OctoWS2811 that receives Adalight's data format.
Sorry I misunderstood your post, yes, the Adalight software seems to do what I want with different hardware.. I just haven't been able to find anywhere on their website or anywhere else that shows how to get Adalight running with the ws2811 LEDS which is my only real goal. They all seem to require you to go with the ws2801's for their "out of the box" setup or require you to have pretty detailed knowledge of the entire process.

In a nutshell, what I want to do is this: http://www.davenewson.com/tutorials/electronics/ambilight-with-teensy-2

But using different hardware (ws2811's instead of ws2801's), and the only definitive info I've found that what I want to do will work is in the blog I pointed to. Beyond that it is simply my severe lack of knowledge at this point which is why I've purchased the Teensy 3, a length of LEDs and and a UNO R3.

This is the first project I've been super interested in that requires this type of knowledge and I definitely feel like I've jumped in a slightly too deep part of the pool. My understanding of code and electronics is beyond basic and I am the first to admit it, but I am always willing to have a go and love taking on projects like this as I am a hands on learner. If you are willing to provide some knowledge I am very eager to gain more of an understanding here, so thank you for any help.
Here's a completely untested attempt. But it's probably pretty close.

Let me know if this works? Or if you get it working with some edits? If you can confirm it actually works, I'll put it into the examples with the next OctoWS2811 release.


  • Adalight2811.ino
    4 KB · Views: 606
There are a some good sources that explain the difference between the different LEDs that are used in LED strings.
This one is on the digispark forum.
Here is another one
Another one on the Sparkfun forum
And another one.

Some of the info in these threads is likely in technical details that you may not really have to dive into as in many cases the library (OctoWS2811 or Fast_SPI2 for example) provides a more easy to understand API/Interface while underneath the hood it takes care of all the technical details.

The sketch that Paul has just posted is (as usual) an excellent starting point!
Hey Paul, i tried your modified sketch.
It doesnt work as expected, it is flickering. But the Colorquirl seems to be played, with a lot of fantasy.
I am using Teensy 3.0 with WS2812b stripes,which are afraid of long wires,but the octows2811 examples are working. (adding about 300Ohm avoids the known cable issues)
It is connected to Pin 2 (Strip #1).
I cut the trace between vUSB and vIN since i use an external PSU.

Hey Paul, i tried your modified sketch.
It doesnt work as expected, it is flickering.

Well, if you're willing to put some work into troubleshooting, here's a couple ideas.

First I'd try putting some LED feedback or serial printing at a couple strategic places in the code. You can get much better info with Serial1, but you'll need an external USB-Serial converter (or another Teensy running the File > Examples > Teensy > USB_Serial > USBtoSerial example). If that's not an option, at least you could blink the orange LED on pin 13, perhaps connect more LEDs to other unused pins.

In loop(), there this code:

void loop() {
  // make sure the serial port is connected
  if (!Serial) {
    while (!Serial) ; // wait for Processing's Adalight.pde
    Serial.print("Ada\n");   //  <--------------------- blink here

  // receive the Adalight header
  int count = receiveAdalightHeader();
  //  <--------------------- blink here

  // if no header, shut off all the lights
  if (count <= 0) {
    //  <--------------------- blink here
    for (int i=0; i < ledsPerStrip*8; i++) {
      leds.setPixel(i, 0);

Knowing if it's hitting those places in the code might help make the problem apparent? Perhaps the blinking could be related to receiveAdalightHeader() failing, which causes all the LEDs to shut off.

I don't have this Adalight setup, so there's not a lot I can do. You can probably collect some good info this way. Ultimately, you'll probably have to figure out why it's not working. I can only blindly guess, without having the system here to test.
Hey guys, sorry I haven't posted progress but I've been gone for 3 months.

I'm starting this again from scratch and I'll let you know how I go.

I have 60 ws2812b leds working with the ws2811 test pattern. 100 ohm resistor on pin 2 and played around with psu grounding.

Going to try that custom library again that Paul provided, I'll let you know how I go. Cheers.
So spent today playing around with it and didn't get too far. I'm having troubles with my teensy, it doesn't like connecting to usb all of the time and it takes a lot of fiddling with the lead to get it just right.

I can get response from the lights in Adalight / Ambibox but the results are far from consistent. Sometimes they flicker what appear to be the right colours and then the next they don't respond at all or become stuck on a completely random colour.

I tried the Boblight for XBMC option and got pretty similar results. It looks as though it wants to work but the lights flicker random colours all the time even when you try and designate a solid colour too them.

I've been reading up on FastLED and have got the test example from that working with no flickering. Might be a way forward down that road although I wouldn't have any idea how to implement it.

If I work anything out I'll post it for others trying to get these lights working as an ambilight clone.
So spent today playing around with it and didn't get too far. I'm having troubles with my teensy, it doesn't like connecting to usb all of the time and it takes a lot of fiddling with the lead to get it just right.

I can get response from the lights in Adalight / Ambibox but the results are far from consistent. Sometimes they flicker what appear to be the right colours and then the next they don't respond at all or become stuck on a completely random colour.

I tried the Boblight for XBMC option and got pretty similar results. It looks as though it wants to work but the lights flicker random colours all the time even when you try and designate a solid colour too them.

I've been reading up on FastLED and have got the test example from that working with no flickering. Might be a way forward down that road although I wouldn't have any idea how to implement it.

If I work anything out I'll post it for others trying to get these lights working as an ambilight clone.

The updated 2.1 FastLED library HERE brings better support and I found a WS2812 adalight project Here. I had to change the code slightly to get it to compile but it seems to work, albeit on my shorter test strip.

// Arduino interface for the use of ws2812 operated LEDs
// Uses Adalight protocol and is compatible with Boblight, Prismatik etc
// "Magic Word" for synchronisation is 'Ada' followed by LED High, Low and Checksum
#include <FastLED.h>

///// User definitions /////

// Define the number of LEDs
#define NUM_LEDS 35

// Define SPI Pin
#define PIN 11

// Baudrate, higher rate allows faster refresh rate and more LEDs (defined in /etc/boblight.conf)
#define serialRate 115200

// Adalight sends a "Magic Word" (defined in /etc/boblight.conf) before sending the pixel data
uint8_t prefix[] = {'A', 'd', 'a'}, hi, lo, chk, i;

// initialise LED-array

void setup()
  FastLED.addLeds<WS2812, PIN, GRB>(leds, NUM_LEDS);
  // initial RGB flash
  LEDS.showColor(CRGB(255, 0, 0));
  LEDS.showColor(CRGB(0, 255, 0));
  LEDS.showColor(CRGB(0, 0, 255));
  LEDS.showColor(CRGB(0, 0, 0));
  Serial.print("Ada\n"); // Send "Magic Word" string to host

void loop() { 
  // wait for first byte of Magic Word
  for(i = 0; i < sizeof prefix; ++i) {
    waitLoop: while (!Serial.available()) ;;
    // Check next byte in Magic Word
    if(prefix[i] == Serial.read()) continue;
    // otherwise, start over
    i = 0;
    goto waitLoop;
  // Hi, Lo, Checksum
  while (!Serial.available()) ;;
  while (!Serial.available()) ;;
  while (!Serial.available()) ;;
  // if checksum does not match go back to wait
  if (chk != (hi ^ lo ^ 0x55))
    goto waitLoop;
  memset(leds, 0, NUM_LEDS * sizeof(struct CRGB));
  // read the transmission data and set LED values
  for (uint8_t i = 0; i < NUM_LEDS; i++) {
    byte r, g, b;    
    r = Serial.read();
    g = Serial.read();
    b = Serial.read();
    leds[i].r = r;
    leds[i].g = g;
    leds[i].b = b;
  // shows new values
Cool as, I'll give it a try as soon as I can, I was pretty well ready to give up and go with a different type of led so this will be interesting to test.

Will post my results too, Cheers.
Halopend - You are AWESOME!!!! To all those wanting to use WS2811 LEDS for Amiblight projects ^ there is the code to make it happen.

Works perfectly on a 60 LED test strip, no resistors, no fancy wiring, literally plug and play. Thank you very much, I'll let you know how I go when I hook this up to a bigger strand.
I was just lucky on the timing and the pieces to do it (FastLED) caught up in terms of support. Even though it's not my code (the WS2811 Adalight project on google project hosting), I'm thinking of branching off the main adalight project on github with this new code cause the inclusion of the FastLED library really opens up hardware compatibility. I'll post it up once I add some timeout code and can test it. I fried my teensy :( so it could take a bit.
Hi, I was trying to make Ambilight with uno and ws2811 leds and came across this thread, I tried the code that @Halopend posted and the colors aren't appearing right, I used FastLED, @ColdTurkeydoes did it work for you like it should? also do u use Prismatik in windows?

Only white and red works, when in my monotor is blue and greens the leds are wrong.

Nvm, I used a different FastLED library than the one I had and it worked.
Last edited:
Good. You should change the line "FastLED.addLeds<WS2812, PIN, GRB>(leds, NUM_LEDS);" to "FastLED.addLeds<WS2811, PIN, GRB>(leds, NUM_LEDS);" if you haven't yet and if the colours are completely whack you'll have to change the GRB to a different order (I'd guess RGB).
I changed the "#define NUM_LEDS #" , "#define PIN #" and the one u say, the fastled library I used is the one attached and the Prismatik 5.10.6, I modified the profile.ini to adjust the areas in which Prismatik takes color samples and all work like a charm.

Thank you very much for posting that code!


  • FastLED.zip
    57.8 KB · Views: 325
I'm trying to follow this guide, but with the WS2812B LED. Can someone put together a guide implementing everything. I've gathered little bits and pieces from this post but can't understand how to put it all together.

@ColdTurkey, did you use this code? Just like you, I've been digging around and watching different videos, but can't put the puzzle together. The only video I've found that has everything put together was this one. He's using Rpi + Arduino + WS2812B + Hyperion, which is the same setup I'm looking for (instead of Arduino, I'll be using Teensy 3.1).

@Halopend, did you edit this code to make it work with the Teensy? Am I missing something or is your code shorter in comparison?

Seems the more I read, the more confused I get. Which software are you using with your setup? Have you guys tried Hyperion? Is it compatible with this setup?


I'm currently using a Teensy 3.1 and Fastled2.1 lib. with 4m radioshack ledstrip for my myth tv with boblight on linux.

/*Boblight is a collection of tools for driving lights connected to an external controller.
Its main purpose is to create light effects from an external input,
such as a video stream (desktop capture, video player, tv card), an audio stream (jack, alsa),
or user input (lirc, http). Currently it only handles video input by desktop capture with xlib,
video capture from v4l/v4l2 devices and user input from the commandline with boblight-constant.
Note: MS WINDOWS Dlink https://github.com/markhoney/RainbowBob/tree/master/boblight-1.3-beta1
      prefix can only be 1 byte long in this boblight-1.3-beta1, TODO Fix this for Ms win. 
/* boblightd receiver for FastLED library , boblightd device type=momo, prefix FF 8F
 Please edit bobligh.conf file prefix, this will work OK on linux, MS WIN. prefix can only be 1 byte long.
 capable at least for 20Hz input stream if LED count <= 150
 by TPertenava
 last modified by Chris O. Aug.20.14 
 Tested on  Arduino IDE 1.0.5 
 FastLED 2.1  https://github.com/FastLED/FastLED/tree/FastLED2.1
 Arduino Leonardo & Teensy 3.1 with Teensyduino 1.19
#include "FastLED.h" // FastLED is a fast, efficient, easy-to-use Arduino library for programming addressable LED strips and pixels such as
// WS2810, WS2811, LPD8806, Neopixel, TM1803 and more.

#define NUM_LEDS 40 // 4M LONG / LED count, well Radio Shack TM1803 IC count 10 per 1M.
#define CHANNELS NUM_LEDS*3 // each output for R, G and B
#define DATA_PIN 11 //teensy 3.1 //8 // arduino output pin
#define BRIGHTNESS 255 // maximum brightness
#define SPEED 115200  //57600 //115200 // virtual serial port speed, must be the same in boblight_config

//boolean ReadyLEDSbuffer = false;
byte values[NUM_LEDS][3]; // 2-level array, 1 level is for led number, 2 level is for rgb values

void setup()
  delay(2000); // sanity check delay - allows reprogramming if accidently blowing power w/leds
  // Uncomment/edit one of the following lines for your leds arrangement.
  FastLED.addLeds<TM1803, DATA_PIN, GBR>(leds, NUM_LEDS); //TM1803 Radio Shack RGB Strip v2.0
  // FastLED.addLeds<TM1803, DATA_PIN, RGB>(leds, NUM_LEDS);
  // FastLED.addLeds<TM1804, DATA_PIN, RGB>(leds, NUM_LEDS);
  // FastLED.addLeds<TM1809, DATA_PIN, RGB>(leds, NUM_LEDS);
  // FastLED.addLeds<WS2811, DATA_PIN, RGB>(leds, NUM_LEDS);
  // FastLED.addLeds<WS2812, DATA_PIN, RGB>(leds, NUM_LEDS);
  // FastLED.addLeds<WS2812B, DATA_PIN, RGB>(leds, NUM_LEDS);
  // FastLED.addLeds<NEOPIXEL, DATA_PIN>(leds, NUM_LEDS);
  // FastLED.addLeds<UCS1903, DATA_PIN, RGB>(leds, NUM_LEDS);
  // FastLED.addLeds<UCS1903B, DATA_PIN, RGB>(leds, NUM_LEDS);
  // FastLED.addLeds<GW6205, DATA_PIN, RGB>(leds, NUM_LEDS);
  // FastLED.addLeds<GW6205_400, DATA_PIN, RGB>(leds, NUM_LEDS);
  // FastLED.addLeds<WS2801, RGB>(leds, NUM_LEDS);
  // FastLED.addLeds<SM16716, RGB>(leds, NUM_LEDS);
  // FastLED.addLeds<LPD8806, RGB>(leds, NUM_LEDS);
  // FastLED.addLeds<WS2801, DATA_PIN, CLOCK_PIN, RGB>(leds, NUM_LEDS);
  // FastLED.addLeds<SM16716, DATA_PIN, CLOCK_PIN, RGB>(leds, NUM_LEDS);
  // FastLED.addLeds<LPD8806, DATA_PIN, CLOCK_PIN, RGB>(leds, NUM_LEDS);

  // Test leds on start up
  // fade up
  for(int x = 0; x < 128; x++) { //color PINK LOL.
    // The showColor method sets all the leds in the strip to the same color
    LEDS.showColor(CRGB(x, 0, x));
  // fade down
  for(int x = 128; x >= 0; x--) { 
    LEDS.showColor(CRGB(x,0, x));

void WaitForPrefix()
  uint8_t first = 0, secondD = 0;
  while (secondD != 0xFF || first != 0x8F)  //FF 8F PREFIX
    while (!Serial.available());
    secondD = first;
    first = Serial.read();

/*  // if Prefix found set flag true
  if (first == 0xFF && secondD == 0x8F)
    ReadyLEDSbuffer = true; //set flag

void loop() { 
  WaitForPrefix(); //jump to WaitForPrefix();

  for (byte Led = 0; Led < NUM_LEDS; Led++) {
    for (byte Color = 0; Color < 3; Color++) {
      values[Led][Color] = Serial.read();
  for (byte Led = 0; Led < NUM_LEDS; Led++)
    byte red = values[Led][0];
    byte green = values[Led][1];
    byte blue = values[Led][2];
    leds[Led] = CRGB( red, green, blue);
/*  if (ReadyLEDSbuffer == true) { // show leds only if buffer ready
    ReadyLEDSbuffer = false; //set flag to false after LEDS.show();
    LEDS.showColor(CRGB(50,50, 90));

OK here is the boblight.conf file for linux:
NOTE: I have not connected the last 8 leds from the strp yet, they should show the center of the screen color.

# Boblight Config Generator http://aeparker.com/zphoto/pages/boblight-config-generator
#timeout 20

port 19333

name Ambilight
type momo
output /dev/ttyACM0
channels 120 #4m RADIOSHACK 1m=10 CHIP * RGB LEDS=30
prefix FF 8F
interval 10000
rate 115200 #57600
debug off
delayafteropen 5000000

name red
rgb FE0000
gamma 1.0
adjust 1.0
blacklevel 0.0

name green
rgb 00FE00
gamma 1.0
adjust 1.0
blacklevel 0.0

name blue
rgb 0000FE
gamma 1.0
adjust 1.0
blacklevel 0.0

name bottom1
color red Ambilight 1
color green Ambilight 2
color blue Ambilight 3
hscan 40.0 50.0
vscan 80.0 100

name bottom2
color red Ambilight 4
color green Ambilight 5
color blue Ambilight 6
hscan 30.0 40.0
vscan 80.0 100

name bottom3
color red Ambilight 7
color green Ambilight 8
color blue Ambilight 9
hscan 20.0 30.0
vscan 80.0 100

name bottom4
color red Ambilight 10
color green Ambilight 11
color blue Ambilight 12
hscan 10.0 20.0
vscan 80.0 100

name bottom5
color red Ambilight 13
color green Ambilight 14
color blue Ambilight 15
hscan 0.0 10.0
vscan 80.0 100

name left1
color red Ambilight 16
color green Ambilight 17
color blue Ambilight 18
hscan 0 20.0
vscan 84.0 100.0

name left2
color red Ambilight 19
color green Ambilight 20
color blue Ambilight 21
hscan 0 20.0
vscan 68.0 84.0

name left3
color red Ambilight 22
color green Ambilight 23
color blue Ambilight 24
hscan 0 20.0
vscan 52.0 68.0

name left4
color red Ambilight 25
color green Ambilight 26
color blue Ambilight 27
hscan 0 20.0
vscan 36.0 52.0

name left5
color red Ambilight 28
color green Ambilight 29
color blue Ambilight 30
hscan 0 20.0
vscan 20.0 36.0

name left6
color red Ambilight 31
color green Ambilight 32
color blue Ambilight 33
hscan 0 20.0
vscan 4.0 20.0

name top1
color red Ambilight 34
color green Ambilight 35
color blue Ambilight 36
hscan 0.0 10.0
vscan 0 20.0

name top2
color red Ambilight 37
color green Ambilight 38
color blue Ambilight 39
hscan 10.0 20.0
vscan 0 20.0

name top3
color red Ambilight 40
color green Ambilight 41
color blue Ambilight 42
hscan 20.0 30.0
vscan 0 20.0

name top4
color red Ambilight 43
color green Ambilight 44
color blue Ambilight 45
hscan 30.0 40.0
vscan 0 20.0

name top5
color red Ambilight 46
color green Ambilight 47
color blue Ambilight 48
hscan 40.0 50.0
vscan 0 20.0

name top6
color red Ambilight 49
color green Ambilight 50
color blue Ambilight 51
hscan 50.0 60.0
vscan 0 20.0

name top7
color red Ambilight 52
color green Ambilight 53
color blue Ambilight 54
hscan 60.0 70.0
vscan 0 20.0

name top8
color red Ambilight 55
color green Ambilight 56
color blue Ambilight 57
hscan 70.0 80.0
vscan 0 20.0

name top9
color red Ambilight 58
color green Ambilight 59
color blue Ambilight 60
hscan 80.0 90.0
vscan 0 20.0

name top10
color red Ambilight 61
color green Ambilight 62
color blue Ambilight 63
hscan 90.0 100.0
vscan 0 20.0

name right1
color red Ambilight 64
color green Ambilight 65
color blue Ambilight 66
hscan 80.0 100
vscan 0.0 16.0

name right2
color red Ambilight 67
color green Ambilight 68
color blue Ambilight 69
hscan 80.0 100
vscan 16.0 32.0

name right3
color red Ambilight 70
color green Ambilight 71
color blue Ambilight 72
hscan 80.0 100
vscan 32.0 48.0

name right4
color red Ambilight 73
color green Ambilight 74
color blue Ambilight 75
hscan 80.0 100
vscan 48.0 64.0

name right5
color red Ambilight 76
color green Ambilight 77
color blue Ambilight 78
hscan 80.0 100
vscan 64.0 80.0

name right6
color red Ambilight 79
color green Ambilight 80
color blue Ambilight 81
hscan 80.0 100
vscan 80.0 96.0

name bottom6
color red Ambilight 82
color green Ambilight 83
color blue Ambilight 84
hscan 90.0 100.0
vscan 80.0 100

name bottom7
color red Ambilight 85
color green Ambilight 86
color blue Ambilight 87
hscan 80.0 90.0
vscan 80.0 100

name bottom8
color red Ambilight 88
color green Ambilight 89
color blue Ambilight 90
hscan 70.0 80.0
vscan 80.0 100

name bottom9
color red Ambilight 91
color green Ambilight 92
color blue Ambilight 93
hscan 60.0 70.0
vscan 80.0 100

name bottom10
color red Ambilight 94
color green Ambilight 95
color blue Ambilight 96
hscan 50.0 60.0
vscan 80.0 100

name backcenter1
color red Ambilight 97
color green Ambilight 98
color blue Ambilight 99
hscan 20.0 27.5
vscan 40.0 60.0

name backcenter2
color red Ambilight 100
color green Ambilight 101
color blue Ambilight 102
hscan 27.5 35.0
vscan 40.0 60.0

name backcenter3
color red Ambilight 103
color green Ambilight 104
color blue Ambilight 105
hscan 35.0 42.5
vscan 40.0 60.0

name backcenter4
color red Ambilight 106
color green Ambilight 107
color blue Ambilight 108
hscan 42.5 50.0
vscan 40.0 60.0

name backcenter5
color red Ambilight 109
color green Ambilight 110
color blue Ambilight 111
hscan 50.0 57.5
vscan 40.0 60.0

name backcenter6
color red Ambilight 112
color green Ambilight 113
color blue Ambilight 114
hscan 57.5 65.0
vscan 40.0 60.0

name backcenter7
color red Ambilight 115
color green Ambilight 116
color blue Ambilight 117
hscan 65.0 72.5
vscan 40.0 60.0

name backcenter8
color red Ambilight 118
color green Ambilight 119
color blue Ambilight 120
hscan 72.5 80.0
vscan 40.0 60.0

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