Artnet to OctoWS2811?

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i can test it with my 8 and a half universe build (about 1400 leds)
but i´m still waiting for the teensy stuff to arive. :cool:
the idea was to have for loop gather all of the universe data into the large buffer and then call the send to leds once. I may have missed a set of curley braces.
very sorry for poor responses at the moment, fully caught up in On-World workload. (yes its a blade runner ref…)
I think it was about half that via wifi using CC3000 module, 34*8 at 30fps?? but I cant remember, will have a look at archived sketches when time permits.
Couple of interesting tests tonight:
Found out that PixelController is more efficient than Max to send out artnet, been able to drive 1400 leds (displayed on my 492 array) at 44fps
With Max I seem to hit a big slowdown around 1000 leds. Writing my own Artnet external for Max would probably solve this.
Also that's with NeoPixel, would probably be faster with OctoWS2811...
So all of this is quite encouraging !
Hey guys how is it going here ^^
finally my teensy stuff arrived and i´m trying to find some time to put everything together...
gotta say nice work guys... I was looking for a solution to upgrade my panels from lpd6803 to ws2801 but this is a more elegant solution and has convinced me to use ws2811. I have 4 separate panels, each running 128 pixels per panel... Im not sure yet how i will wire them off 1 teeny 3.1.. Was someone in this thread saying they ran 492 pixels off 1 line? I'll be ordering 500 ws2811 very soon. Any advice on how to implement this for 512 pixels? im wanting to run pixelcontroller 2.0..
blackrockcity: Yes I did some tests with 492 leds and it works fine from pixel controller. I also tried sending more data (around 1200 leds I think) and my 492 leds strip would still update fine so I assume it would work with 1200 leds. There will surely be delay at the end of the strip if you run it on a single line though. For 512 leds I don't think it's noticeable.

I'm pretty sure it'll run very smoothly with 512 pixels. Here's an updated version with some optimizations:
so i can daisy chain the line? when i say 1 line i might be misspeaking, Im used to using only 2 pins... whats the max number of pixels i should run per strip?
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so i can daisy chain the line? when i say 1 line i might be misspeaking, Im used to using only 2 pins...

It depends on the library you use and the number of pixels you want to use.
The OctoWS2811 library by Paul is meant for very large installations, you can use up to 8 pins to drive 8 independant strips. Code wise however it's like if you were adressing one very long strip even if it's split.
If you have few pixels you can use Adafruit Neopixel (or FastLED) and drive all your leds from a single pin on the Teensy. Your 4 panels will need to be daisy chained.
If you're driving this from USB then you don't need Artnet or the Ethernet Adapter. I think there's a sketch for pixelcontroller that allows you to use USB serial...
ok so this sounds like the setup i currently have with the lpd6803, to me the ws2811 with the octoadapter looks like it has way less latency. I guess i should be using the ethernet adapter..
I suspect it's because the Teensy 2 is much slower...
With the Teensy 3, for 512 pixels you'll get pretty high speeds using either OctoWS2811 or Neopixel.
With that amount of pixels you can probably just start with a teensy 3.1 and neopixel.
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