Teensy 3.0 + OctoWS2811 + Adafruit CC3000

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Well-known member
I'm in the process of creating a (very) small (30*8) led display that should be able to be driven remotely, but I'm facing instabilities using Adafruit's CC3000 breakout board.

I don't know if it's my wiring (likely but checked many times), the CC3000 power draw (it never exceeded my 5V rail capacity - I measure 5.02V/0.14A) or a incompatibility between the teensy and the CC3000.

My main problem is that the CC3000 doesn't pass the initilaisation stage 30% of the time.

For my tests I only connect one strand of leds from the 8I have so I can power everything from a (tested) beefy USB port.

Here is my code : http://stuff.knackes.com/dld/201312/NewTeensyRain_0_1_4_AE6A224D.rar

Did anybody had any problem using the CC3000 breakout board with the Teensy ? Any other Idea ?
Redone all my wiring, now it seems to work reliably. The CC3000 software still needs some work but it does the job.
pixelk, did you get any further with setting this up to control the 30*8 array? I am just looking into updating array through cc3000 and would like not to reinvent the wheel...
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