Teensy 3.1, can't use as "Disk(Internal) + Keyboard" ??

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I just purchased the Teensy 3.1, and I was looking forward to use it as "Disk(Internal) + Keyboard" (USB Type) as it could be done in Teensy 2.0, but that option is no longer available if I choose "Teensy 3.1" as board.
Is there any way I could do it? It's really important to me.

Thank you for your time!
Is this due to technical limitation?
I am keen to understand the reason why T3.1 does not support Disk internal/SD.
Thanks Paul.
I am keen to understand the reason why T3.1 does not support Disk internal/SD.

It's merely "a small matter of programming". I simply have not written this code for Teensy 3.1, and neither has anyone else.

Sometime next year, I intend to revisit this. I know you and others want this feature now, but I'm just one guy with an incredibly long list of stuff to implement. I have to prioritize. This feature isn't going to happen in 2014 (unless someone else writes the code, which is pretty unlikely).

When I do work on this again, I'm not going to repeat my mistakes of the past, basically the choice to use the MSC class. Several years ago, that was the only protocol widely supported by all 3 operating systems. Now they all support a media transfer protocol which works at a higher level of abstraction, which will enable easy and very reliable integration and data sharing with programs running on Teensy.
Any news on this topic ? This mode could really benefit from the bigger storage available on the Teensy 3.*
I actually started working on MTP this week. It's still a *long* way from working... but perhaps I ought to push the work-in-progress code to github?
If you did publish the WIP code to github I'd be happy to hack on it some, getting into microcontrollers again is scratching an itch for me and I have a plethora of time to code on things. Well, depending on if my coding style is acceptable or not, but that's what pull requests are for are they not is to debate style corrections if needed? :)
No rush for me (my project is not urgent in any way), nice to see it's a WIP. Thank you Paul for all your work.
Here's the (very) incomplete code....


If you grab the latest code from github, add these lines to boards.txt

teensy31.menu.usb.mtpdisk=MTP Disk

Be mentally prepared for underwhelming results, since not even opensession is implemented yet. But at least you can see I am starting to work on this.....
Anything new on this subject? Hoping I don't have to go buy a Teensy 2.0 ++ for a project I'd like to do.
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