Connecting Teensy 3.1 to computer requires a button press?

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I'm interested in leaving my teensy in an enclosure, but it seems that everytime I plug in the teensy, I've got to press the reboot button in order to get my program to load. Is this a common problem, or is my particular application to blame?

I currently have a USB host shield attached to it (with extra capacitance across the 5V rail), and an i2c character LCD running at 5v.

Thanks for any tips...
Usually when you apply power, whatever program was previously loaded just starts running. You shouldn't need to press the button. Maybe the host shield code changes this?
If the program previously stored in Flash was faulty in certain ways, a button push is needed to force a bootload of some stable code.
Thanks, I'll try adding a delay because I do notice that there is a bit of code where it checks if USB has been established:

if (Usb.Init() == -1)
Serial.println("OSC did not start.");
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