Teensy 3.1 clock speeds?

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The teensy 3.1 page lists the core clock speed as 72Mhz, overclockable to 96Mhz, but the dropdown selections available to me in teensyduino are 24Mhz, 48Mhz, and 96Mhz (overclock), and F_CPU is set to 24000000, 48000000, and 96000000 respectively. Do any of these map to 72Mhz? (Asking because I have some timing sensitive stuff (hello there, WS2812!) that seems to be unhappy at 24 and 48Mhz in a way that the teensy 3 version of the same code isn't. (I'm doing my timings off of counting ARM_DWT_CYCCNT and using F_CPU to translate from ns timings to clock cycles). I just want to exclude something running at 72Mhz but me computing clocks off of an F_CPU value of 48Mhz :)
It is, life is pretty happy at 96mhz, I just wanted to sanity check before I go chasing down timing demons in the 24 and 48 MHz clocked worlds :)
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