OctoWS2811 library and teensy 3.1 - issue with leds.show(); command?

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When ever I run this code it sets the led's to full bright/white no matter what leds.setPixel() is doing. It only does this when the leds.show() function is called, and it only does so on the led's initialized by the library.
Any ideas? maybe a short? or perhaps something simple I'm overlooking?

Here's my code:

#include <OctoWS2811.h>
const int ledsPerStrip = 1;

DMAMEM int displayMemory[ledsPerStrip*6];
int drawingMemory[ledsPerStrip*6];
const int config = WS2811_GRB | WS2811_800kHz;
OctoWS2811 leds(ledsPerStrip, displayMemory, drawingMemory, config);

void setup() {

void loop() {
  for(uint16_t i=0; i<leds.numPixels(); i++) {
      leds.setPixel(i, 0,0,8);

I've reduced it down as much as possible.
Are you going through a level shifter from the output ? I had similar problems without a shifter. Does the neopixel library do the same thing ? Also did you connect pins 15 and 16 together ?
Ah alas, I did not connect pins 15 and 16. I will give that a go and see if it fixes the problem.

The standard neopixel library does something similar, I only test say pin 2, but all 8 pins that have strips attached to them go on too but only the one specifies in code continues to update ...
That was quite literally all I had forgotten. Its working now thanks for pointing this out. This is what happens when I rush : )
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