Teensy on LabVIEW with LINX Project

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Well-known member
I think we've reached a milestone. We can talk to a Teensy through LabVIEW + LINX! I opened a serial port to a Teensy 3.1, read the device name from the installed LINX firmware, then closed the port. I have no idea if the rest of it's configured properly or not.

The latest is on my Github fork of the LabVIEWHacker/LINX project. This is using LINX v1.1 ALPHA, not the released v1.0 available from VIPM. If you want to look and play, the files you need to compile for the firmware are here in my repo. I've not sent a pull request yet, but hopefully it'll get pulled in to the main project.

LVH-LINX / LabVIEW / vi.lib / LabVIEW Hacker / LINX / Firmware / Source / Wiring / LINX_Wiring_Base_Firmware

- To compile the Teensy firmware you'll have to go into the LINX_config.h file and uncomment only the target device for the compile to work properly.

- I've only gotten the 3.0 and 3.1 device setup added to the LINX_devices.h file. I plan to add the 2.0 and 'test' it. I don't have the other boards here to test, so I don't plan to add them. If someone else wants to test the others, I can try adding 'em to the devices file, or for that matter you can. ;)

- The LINX auto firmware installer isn't setup for Teensy. I haven't even looked at it. You'll have to compile the firmware from the above location after installing LINX v1.1 and load it with Teensyduino.

- This is for the 1.1 ALPHA version of LINX, not the v1.0.x available from VIPM. To see how samkristoff and I set up our dev environments, check his wiki here and the Teensy thread on the labviewhacker.com forums. My setup is slightly different since I wanted a separate place to break^H^H^H^H^H stage on Github with possibly affecting the main project.

Thanks to Sam over at LabVIEWHacker and Paul here for the help bringing this newb to a slightly less newbish state. Comments, adds, and edits are welcome.

Not affiliated, etc...

Hello Mark and thanks for all! I have Teensy++ 2.0 do you can help me with blink.vi for NI LabVIEW 2013 SP1? I have Arduino and Teensyduino(good working) + LIFA + LINX 1.1(no success). I need start learning NI LabVIEW and in the moment i don't have the amount necessary to buy an NI myRIO.
I don't have a Teensy 2.0++, so I really can't debug it if it's not working. I've sent the revised firmware up to the LINX git, so hopefully it's included. If not, I've made note of the changes I made on the LabViewHacker forums. Also, LIFA is not required for LINX. It may be causing problems <?>. The development is happening on LV2011, as per the project owner over at labviewhacker.com. All the vi's and firmware should work on 2013. I haven't tried it tho'...

I see you also posted over there. I'll duplicate the post in case you'll see it there.

Just an update for everyone:
Currently, the firmware auto loader in LINX isn't working. It needs a command line loader instead of Teensyduino. There's one for Linux, which I've compiled successfully in Linux, but haven't tried compiling and using it under Windows yet. Even after that works, there's going to be some effort to get the autoloader working in LINX.

It's been a busy and awful month or so, but I'm back to working on the project. I'm putting off the command line loader for now, just wanting to get LINX to play with Teensy nicely once the firmware is loaded on it. If someone else wishes to work on that <hint-hint>.
Teensy 3.1 I2C works on LINX!! Mostly... The I2C Close.vi isn't working right. I haven't taken a look at it yet. I suspect <cringe> a timing problem since it worked once with execution highlighting turned on in LabVIEW, which REALLY slows things down. I2C Read and Write vi's do work without a problem.

kIOn is working on getting the Teensy++ 2.0 firmware working. He's gotten it to compile and load, but is working through some bugs.

We're over at LabVIEW Hacker working on it. Just wanted to let y'all know how it's getting on. Hopefully we can get these fully working - and make Paul busier.


The reason I2C Close.vi wasn't working right is timing. It's like for the blink example earlier. Driver doesn't unload quickly - at all. :( Otherwise, 3.1 is working just fine. I'm working on my 'real project' for now, so it'll a month or two before I can work on the Windows command line loader - if someone doesn't beat me to it <please??>. Then it'll be fully integrated into LINX.

Beat on the LabVIEW / LINX stuff folks. I'm just interested in the I2C and don't have the time, or interest really, to test it all.
Cross-posting from LVH forum https://www.labviewhacker.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=26&p=1279#p1279

Well I got the Teensy 3.0 and Teensy 3.1 command line loader working for compiling on Windows with MinGW gcc.

The changes were:

1) Adding some header files for compiling on Win32.
2) Adding an alternative version of SetupDiGetInterfaceDeviceDetail
3) Bumping the buffer up in write_usb_device to handle more than 1kByte.
4) Adding a static 250ms delay, which I found I needed for the Teensy 3.0 and 3.1 boards.

Since it's just one source file I didn't bother with the makefile, just compiled from the command line with the following:

gcc -O2 -Wall -s -DUSE_WIN32 -o teensy_loader_cli.exe teensy_loader_cli.c -lhid -lsetupapi

If anyone is curious, here's my modified teensy_loader_cli.c. Have fun!

/* Teensy Loader, Command Line Interface
 * Program and Reboot Teensy Board with HalfKay Bootloader
 * http://www.pjrc.com/teensy/loader_cli.html
 * Copyright 2008-2010, PJRC.COM, LLC
 * You may redistribute this program and/or modify it under the terms
 * of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
 * Foundation, version 3 of the License.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/

/* Want to incorporate this code into a proprietary application??
 * Just email paul@pjrc.com to ask.  Usually it's not a problem,
 * but you do need to ask to use this code in any way other than
 * those permitted by the GNU General Public License, version 3  */

/* For non-root permissions on ubuntu or similar udev-based linux
 * http://www.pjrc.com/teensy/49-teensy.rules

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>

void usage(void)
	fprintf(stderr, "Usage: teensy_loader_cli -mmcu=<MCU> [-w] [-h] [-n] [-v] <file.hex>\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "\t-w : Wait for device to appear\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "\t-r : Use hard reboot if device not online\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "\t-n : No reboot after programming\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "\t-v : Verbose output\n");
#if defined(USE_LIBUSB) || defined(USE_WIN32)
	fprintf(stderr, "\n<MCU> = atmega32u4 | at90usb162 | at90usb646 | at90usb1286 | mk20dx128 | mk20dx256\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "\n<MCU> = atmega32u4 | at90usb162 | at90usb646 | at90usb1286\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "\nFor more information, please visit:\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "http://www.pjrc.com/teensy/loader_cli.html\n");

// USB Access Functions
int teensy_open(void);
int teensy_write(void *buf, int len, double timeout);
void teensy_close(void);
int hard_reboot(void);

// Intel Hex File Functions
int read_intel_hex(const char *filename);
int ihex_bytes_within_range(int begin, int end);
void ihex_get_data(int addr, int len, unsigned char *bytes);
int memory_is_blank(int addr, int block_size);

// Misc stuff
int printf_verbose(const char *format, ...);
void delay(double seconds);
void die(const char *str, ...);
void parse_options(int argc, char **argv);

// options (from user via command line args)
int wait_for_device_to_appear = 0;
int hard_reboot_device = 0;
int reboot_after_programming = 1;
int verbose = 0;
int code_size = 0, block_size = 0;
const char *filename=NULL;

/*                                                              */
/*                       Main Program                           */
/*                                                              */

int main(int argc, char **argv)
	unsigned char buf[2048];
	int num, addr, r, write_size=block_size+2;
	int first_block=1, waited=0;

	// parse command line arguments
	parse_options(argc, argv);
	if (!filename) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Filename must be specified\n\n");
	if (!code_size) {
		fprintf(stderr, "MCU type must be specified\n\n");
	printf_verbose("Teensy Loader, Command Line, Version 2.0\n");

	// read the intel hex file
	// this is done first so any error is reported before using USB
	num = read_intel_hex(filename);
	if (num < 0) die("error reading intel hex file \"%s\"", filename);
	printf_verbose("Read \"%s\": %d bytes, %.1f%% usage\n",
		filename, num, (double)num / (double)code_size * 100.0);

	// open the USB device
	while (1) {
		if (teensy_open()) break;
		if (hard_reboot_device) {
			if (!hard_reboot()) die("Unable to find rebootor\n");
			printf_verbose("Hard Reboot performed\n");
			hard_reboot_device = 0; // only hard reboot once
			wait_for_device_to_appear = 1;
		if (!wait_for_device_to_appear) die("Unable to open device\n");
		if (!waited) {
			printf_verbose("Waiting for Teensy device...\n");
			printf_verbose(" (hint: press the reset button)\n");
			waited = 1;
	printf_verbose("Found HalfKay Bootloader\n");

	// if we waited for the device, read the hex file again
	// perhaps it changed while we were waiting?
	if (waited) {
		num = read_intel_hex(filename);
		if (num < 0) die("error reading intel hex file \"%s\"", filename);
		printf_verbose("Read \"%s\": %d bytes, %.1f%% usage\n",
		 	filename, num, (double)num / (double)code_size * 100.0);

	// program the data
	for (addr = 0; addr < code_size; addr += block_size) {
		if (!first_block && !ihex_bytes_within_range(addr, addr + block_size - 1)) {
			// don't waste time on blocks that are unused,
			// but always do the first one to erase the chip
		if (!first_block && memory_is_blank(addr, block_size)) continue;
		if (code_size < 0x10000) {
			buf[0] = addr & 255;
			buf[1] = (addr >> 8) & 255;
			ihex_get_data(addr, block_size, buf + 2);
			write_size = block_size + 2;
		} else if (block_size == 256) {
			buf[0] = (addr >> 8) & 255;
			buf[1] = (addr >> 16) & 255;
			ihex_get_data(addr, block_size, buf + 2);
			write_size = block_size + 2;
		} else if (block_size >= 1024) {
			buf[0] = addr & 255;
			buf[1] = (addr >> 8) & 255;
			buf[2] = (addr >> 16) & 255;
			memset(buf + 3, 0, 61);
			ihex_get_data(addr, block_size, buf + 64);
			write_size = block_size + 64;
		} else {
			die("Unknown code/block size\n");
		//printf_verbose("Writing Addr %i\n", addr);
		r = teensy_write(buf, write_size, first_block ? 3.0 : 0.25);
		if (!r) die("error writing to Teensy\n");
		first_block = 0;

	// reboot to the user's new code
	if (reboot_after_programming) {
		buf[0] = 0xFF;
		buf[1] = 0xFF;
		buf[2] = 0xFF;
		memset(buf + 3, 0, sizeof(buf) - 3);
		teensy_write(buf, write_size, 0.25);
	return 0;

/*                                                              */
/*             USB Access - libusb (Linux & FreeBSD)            */
/*                                                              */

#if defined(USE_LIBUSB)

// http://libusb.sourceforge.net/doc/index.html
#include <usb.h>

usb_dev_handle * open_usb_device(int vid, int pid)
	struct usb_bus *bus;
	struct usb_device *dev;
	usb_dev_handle *h;
	char buf[128];
	int r;

	//printf_verbose("\nSearching for USB device:\n");
	for (bus = usb_get_busses(); bus; bus = bus->next) {
		for (dev = bus->devices; dev; dev = dev->next) {
			//printf_verbose("bus \"%s\", device \"%s\" vid=%04X, pid=%04X\n",
			//	bus->dirname, dev->filename,
			//	dev->descriptor.idVendor,
			//	dev->descriptor.idProduct
			if (dev->descriptor.idVendor != vid) continue;
			if (dev->descriptor.idProduct != pid) continue;
			h = usb_open(dev);
			if (!h) {
				printf_verbose("Found device but unable to open");
			r = usb_get_driver_np(h, 0, buf, sizeof(buf));
			if (r >= 0) {
				r = usb_detach_kernel_driver_np(h, 0);
				if (r < 0) {
					printf_verbose("Device is in use by \"%s\" driver", buf);
			// Mac OS-X - removing this call to usb_claim_interface() might allow
			// this to work, even though it is a clear misuse of the libusb API.
			// normally Apple's IOKit should be used on Mac OS-X
			r = usb_claim_interface(h, 0);
			if (r < 0) {
				printf_verbose("Unable to claim interface, check USB permissions");
			return h;
	return NULL;

static usb_dev_handle *libusb_teensy_handle = NULL;

int teensy_open(void)
	libusb_teensy_handle = open_usb_device(0x16C0, 0x0478);
	if (libusb_teensy_handle) return 1;
	return 0;

int teensy_write(void *buf, int len, double timeout)
	int r;

	if (!libusb_teensy_handle) return 0;
	while (timeout > 0) {
		r = usb_control_msg(libusb_teensy_handle, 0x21, 9, 0x0200, 0,
			(char *)buf, len, (int)(timeout * 1000.0));
		if (r >= 0) return 1;
		//printf("teensy_write, r=%d\n", r);
		timeout -= 0.01;  // TODO: subtract actual elapsed time
	return 0;

void teensy_close(void)
	if (!libusb_teensy_handle) return;
	usb_release_interface(libusb_teensy_handle, 0);
	libusb_teensy_handle = NULL;

int hard_reboot(void)
	usb_dev_handle *rebootor;
	int r;

	rebootor = open_usb_device(0x16C0, 0x0477);
	if (!rebootor) return 0;
	r = usb_control_msg(rebootor, 0x21, 9, 0x0200, 0, "reboot", 6, 100);
	usb_release_interface(rebootor, 0);
	if (r < 0) return 0;
	return 1;


/*                                                              */
/*               USB Access - Microsoft WIN32                   */
/*                                                              */

#if defined(USE_WIN32)

// http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms790932.aspx

#if defined(_WIN64) || defined(_WIN32)
//Included to compile with MinGW on Win32 system
#include <windef.h>
#include <wingdi.h>
#include <winuser.h>
#include <winbase.h>
#include <winreg.h>

#include <windows.h>
#include <setupapi.h>
#include <ddk/hidsdi.h>
#include <ddk/hidclass.h>

HANDLE open_usb_device(int vid, int pid)
	GUID guid;
	DWORD index, required_size;
	BOOL ret;

	if (info == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return NULL;
	for (index=0; 1 ;index++) {
		iface.cbSize = sizeof(SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DATA);
		ret = SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces(info, NULL, &guid, index, &iface);
		if (!ret) {
#if defined(_WIN64) || defined(_WIN32)
		SetupDiGetInterfaceDeviceDetailA(info, &iface, NULL, 0, &required_size, NULL);
		SetupDiGetInterfaceDeviceDetail(info, &iface, NULL, 0, &required_size, NULL);
		details = (SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DETAIL_DATA *)malloc(required_size);
		if (details == NULL) continue;
		memset(details, 0, required_size);
		details->cbSize = sizeof(SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DETAIL_DATA);
		ret = SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail(info, &iface, details,
			required_size, NULL, NULL);
		if (!ret) {
		h = CreateFile(details->DevicePath, GENERIC_READ|GENERIC_WRITE,
		if (h == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) continue;
		attrib.Size = sizeof(HIDD_ATTRIBUTES);
		ret = HidD_GetAttributes(h, &attrib);
		if (!ret) {
		if (attrib.VendorID != vid || attrib.ProductID != pid) {
		return h;
	return NULL;

void print_win32_err(void)
        char buf[256];
        DWORD err;

        err = GetLastError();
        FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, NULL, err,
                0, buf, sizeof(buf), NULL);
        printf("err %ld: %s\n", err, buf);

int write_usb_device(HANDLE h, void *buf, int len, int timeout)
	static HANDLE event = NULL;
	int bufSize = 1090;
	unsigned char tmpbuf[bufSize];
	DWORD n, r;

	delay(.25); //TODO is this the right amount of delay? We should be able to remove this with some debugging.

	if (len > sizeof(tmpbuf) - 1)
		printf_verbose("Attempted to load %i bytes into buffer sized %i.\n", len, bufSize);
		return 0;
	if (event == NULL)
		event = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, TRUE, NULL);
		if (!event)
			printf_verbose("Unable to create event, why?\n");
			return 0;

	memset(&ov, 0, sizeof(ov));
	ov.hEvent = event;
	tmpbuf[0] = 0;
	memcpy(tmpbuf + 1, buf, len);
	if (!WriteFile(h, tmpbuf, len + 1, NULL, &ov)) {
		if (GetLastError() != ERROR_IO_PENDING)
			return 0;
		r = WaitForSingleObject(event, timeout);
		if (r == WAIT_TIMEOUT)
			printf_verbose("Timed out writing to device.\n");
			return 0;
		if (r != WAIT_OBJECT_0)
			printf_verbose("Not waiting.\n");
			return 0;
	if (!GetOverlappedResult(h, &ov, &n, FALSE))
		return 0;
	if (n <= 0)
		printf_verbose("Number of bytes transfered was less than or equal to zero\n");
		return 0;
	return 1;

static HANDLE win32_teensy_handle = NULL;

int teensy_open(void)
	win32_teensy_handle = open_usb_device(0x16C0, 0x0478);
	if (win32_teensy_handle) return 1;
	return 0;

int teensy_write(void *buf, int len, double timeout)
	int r;
	if (!win32_teensy_handle) return 0;
	r = write_usb_device(win32_teensy_handle, buf, len, (int)(timeout * 1000.0));
	//if (!r) print_win32_err();
	return r;

void teensy_close(void)
	if (!win32_teensy_handle) return;
	win32_teensy_handle = NULL;

int hard_reboot(void)
	HANDLE rebootor;
	int r;

	rebootor = open_usb_device(0x16C0, 0x0477);
	if (!rebootor) return 0;
	r = write_usb_device(rebootor, "reboot", 6, 100);
	return r;


/*                                                              */
/*             USB Access - Apple's IOKit, Mac OS-X             */
/*                                                              */

#if defined(USE_APPLE_IOKIT)

// http://developer.apple.com/technotes/tn2007/tn2187.html
#include <IOKit/IOKitLib.h>
#include <IOKit/hid/IOHIDLib.h>
#include <IOKit/hid/IOHIDDevice.h>

struct usb_list_struct {
	IOHIDDeviceRef ref;
	int pid;
	int vid;
	struct usb_list_struct *next;

static struct usb_list_struct *usb_list=NULL;
static IOHIDManagerRef hid_manager=NULL;

void attach_callback(void *context, IOReturn r, void *hid_mgr, IOHIDDeviceRef dev)
	CFTypeRef type;
	struct usb_list_struct *n, *p;
	int32_t pid, vid;

	if (!dev) return;
	type = IOHIDDeviceGetProperty(dev, CFSTR(kIOHIDVendorIDKey));
	if (!type || CFGetTypeID(type) != CFNumberGetTypeID()) return;
	if (!CFNumberGetValue((CFNumberRef)type, kCFNumberSInt32Type, &vid)) return;
	type = IOHIDDeviceGetProperty(dev, CFSTR(kIOHIDProductIDKey));
	if (!type || CFGetTypeID(type) != CFNumberGetTypeID()) return;
	if (!CFNumberGetValue((CFNumberRef)type, kCFNumberSInt32Type, &pid)) return;
	n = (struct usb_list_struct *)malloc(sizeof(struct usb_list_struct));
	if (!n) return;
	//printf("attach callback: vid=%04X, pid=%04X\n", vid, pid);
	n->ref = dev;
	n->vid = vid;
	n->pid = pid;
	n->next = NULL;
	if (usb_list == NULL) {
		usb_list = n;
	} else {
		for (p = usb_list; p->next; p = p->next) ;
		p->next = n;

void detach_callback(void *context, IOReturn r, void *hid_mgr, IOHIDDeviceRef dev)
	struct usb_list_struct *p, *tmp, *prev=NULL;

	p = usb_list;
	while (p) {
		if (p->ref == dev) {
			if (prev) {
				prev->next = p->next;
			} else {
				usb_list = p->next;
			tmp = p;
			p = p->next;
		} else {
			prev = p;
			p = p->next;

void init_hid_manager(void)
	CFMutableDictionaryRef dict;
	IOReturn ret;

	if (hid_manager) return;
	hid_manager = IOHIDManagerCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, kIOHIDOptionsTypeNone);
	if (hid_manager == NULL || CFGetTypeID(hid_manager) != IOHIDManagerGetTypeID()) {
		if (hid_manager) CFRelease(hid_manager);
		printf_verbose("no HID Manager - maybe this is a pre-Leopard (10.5) system?\n");
	dict = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0,
		&kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks);
	if (!dict) return;
	IOHIDManagerSetDeviceMatching(hid_manager, dict);
	IOHIDManagerScheduleWithRunLoop(hid_manager, CFRunLoopGetCurrent(), kCFRunLoopDefaultMode);
	IOHIDManagerRegisterDeviceMatchingCallback(hid_manager, attach_callback, NULL);
	IOHIDManagerRegisterDeviceRemovalCallback(hid_manager, detach_callback, NULL);
	ret = IOHIDManagerOpen(hid_manager, kIOHIDOptionsTypeNone);
	if (ret != kIOReturnSuccess) {
			CFRunLoopGetCurrent(), kCFRunLoopDefaultMode);
		printf_verbose("Error opening HID Manager");

static void do_run_loop(void)
	while (CFRunLoopRunInMode(kCFRunLoopDefaultMode, 0, true) == kCFRunLoopRunHandledSource) ;

IOHIDDeviceRef open_usb_device(int vid, int pid)
	struct usb_list_struct *p;
	IOReturn ret;

	for (p = usb_list; p; p = p->next) {
		if (p->vid == vid && p->pid == pid) {
			ret = IOHIDDeviceOpen(p->ref, kIOHIDOptionsTypeNone);
			if (ret == kIOReturnSuccess) return p->ref;
	return NULL;

void close_usb_device(IOHIDDeviceRef dev)
	struct usb_list_struct *p;

	for (p = usb_list; p; p = p->next) {
		if (p->ref == dev) {
			IOHIDDeviceClose(dev, kIOHIDOptionsTypeNone);

static IOHIDDeviceRef iokit_teensy_reference = NULL;

int teensy_open(void)
	iokit_teensy_reference = open_usb_device(0x16C0, 0x0478);
	if (iokit_teensy_reference) return 1;
	return 0;

int teensy_write(void *buf, int len, double timeout)
	IOReturn ret;

	// timeouts do not work on OS-X
	// IOHIDDeviceSetReportWithCallback is not implemented
	// even though Apple documents it with a code example!
	// submitted to Apple on 22-sep-2009, problem ID 7245050
	if (!iokit_teensy_reference) return 0;
	ret = IOHIDDeviceSetReport(iokit_teensy_reference,
		kIOHIDReportTypeOutput, 0, buf, len);
	if (ret == kIOReturnSuccess) return 1;
	return 0;

void teensy_close(void)
	if (!iokit_teensy_reference) return;
	iokit_teensy_reference = NULL;

int hard_reboot(void)
	IOHIDDeviceRef rebootor;
	IOReturn ret;

	rebootor = open_usb_device(0x16C0, 0x0477);
	if (!rebootor) return 0;
	ret = IOHIDDeviceSetReport(rebootor,
		kIOHIDReportTypeOutput, 0, (uint8_t *)("reboot"), 6);
	if (ret == kIOReturnSuccess) return 1;
	return 0;


/*                                                              */
/*              USB Access - BSD's UHID driver                  */
/*                                                              */

#if defined(USE_UHID)

// Thanks to Todd T Fries for help getting this working on OpenBSD
// and to Chris Kuethe for the initial patch to use UHID.

#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <dev/usb/usb.h>
#include <dev/usb/usb_ioctl.h>

int open_usb_device(int vid, int pid)
	int r, fd;
	DIR *dir;
	struct dirent *d;
	struct usb_device_info info;
	char buf[256];

	dir = opendir("/dev");
	if (!dir) return -1;
	while ((d = readdir(dir)) != NULL) {
		if (strncmp(d->d_name, "uhid", 4) != 0) continue;
		snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "/dev/%s", d->d_name);
		fd = open(buf, O_RDWR);
		if (fd < 0) continue;
		r = ioctl(fd, USB_GET_DEVICEINFO, &info);
		if (r < 0) {
			// NetBSD: added in 2004
			// OpenBSD: added November 23, 2009
			// FreeBSD: missing (FreeBSD 8.0) - USE_LIBUSB works!
			die("Error: your uhid driver does not support"
			  " USB_GET_DEVICEINFO, please upgrade!\n");
		//printf("%s: v=%d, p=%d\n", buf, info.udi_vendorNo, info.udi_productNo);
		if (info.udi_vendorNo == vid && info.udi_productNo == pid) {
			return fd;
	return -1;

static int uhid_teensy_fd = -1;

int teensy_open(void)
	uhid_teensy_fd = open_usb_device(0x16C0, 0x0478);
	if (uhid_teensy_fd < 0) return 0;
	return 1;

int teensy_write(void *buf, int len, double timeout)
	int r;

	// TODO: imeplement timeout... how??
	r = write(uhid_teensy_fd, buf, len);
	if (r == len) return 1;
	return 0;

void teensy_close(void)
	if (uhid_teensy_fd >= 0) {
		uhid_teensy_fd = -1;

int hard_reboot(void)
	int r, rebootor_fd;

	rebootor_fd = open_usb_device(0x16C0, 0x0477);
	if (rebootor_fd < 0) return 0;
	r = write(rebootor_fd, "reboot", 6);
	if (r == 6) return 1;
	return 0;


/*                                                              */
/*                     Read Intel Hex File                      */
/*                                                              */

// the maximum flash image size we can support
// chips with larger memory may be used, but only this
// much intel-hex data can be loaded into memory!
#define MAX_MEMORY_SIZE 0x20000

static unsigned char firmware_image[MAX_MEMORY_SIZE];
static unsigned char firmware_mask[MAX_MEMORY_SIZE];
static int end_record_seen=0;
static int byte_count;
static unsigned int extended_addr = 0;
static int parse_hex_line(char *line);

int read_intel_hex(const char *filename)
	FILE *fp;
	int i, lineno=0;
	char buf[1024];

	byte_count = 0;
	end_record_seen = 0;
	for (i=0; i<MAX_MEMORY_SIZE; i++) {
		firmware_image[i] = 0xFF;
		firmware_mask[i] = 0;
	extended_addr = 0;

	fp = fopen(filename, "r");
	if (fp == NULL) {
		//printf("Unable to read file %s\n", filename);
		return -1;
	while (!feof(fp)) {
		*buf = '\0';
		if (!fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp)) break;
		if (*buf) {
			if (parse_hex_line(buf) == 0) {
				printf("Warning, HEX parse error line %d\n", lineno);
				return -2;
		if (end_record_seen) break;
		if (feof(stdin)) break;
	return byte_count;

/* from ihex.c, at http://www.pjrc.com/tech/8051/pm2_docs/intel-hex.html */

/* parses a line of intel hex code, stores the data in bytes[] */
/* and the beginning address in addr, and returns a 1 if the */
/* line was valid, or a 0 if an error occured.  The variable */
/* num gets the number of bytes that were stored into bytes[] */

parse_hex_line(char *line)
	int addr, code, num;
        int sum, len, cksum, i;
        char *ptr;
        num = 0;
        if (line[0] != ':') return 0;
        if (strlen(line) < 11) return 0;
        ptr = line+1;
        if (!sscanf(ptr, "%02x", &len)) return 0;
        ptr += 2;
        if ((int)strlen(line) < (11 + (len * 2)) ) return 0;
        if (!sscanf(ptr, "%04x", &addr)) return 0;
        ptr += 4;
          /* printf("Line: length=%d Addr=%d\n", len, addr); */
        if (!sscanf(ptr, "%02x", &code)) return 0;
	if (addr + extended_addr + len >= MAX_MEMORY_SIZE) return 0;
        ptr += 2;
        sum = (len & 255) + ((addr >> 8) & 255) + (addr & 255) + (code & 255);
	if (code != 0) {
		if (code == 1) {
			end_record_seen = 1;
			return 1;
		if (code == 2 && len == 2) {
			if (!sscanf(ptr, "%04x", &i)) return 1;
			ptr += 4;
			sum += ((i >> 8) & 255) + (i & 255);
        		if (!sscanf(ptr, "%02x", &cksum)) return 1;
			if (((sum & 255) + (cksum & 255)) & 255) return 1;
			extended_addr = i << 4;
			//printf("ext addr = %05X\n", extended_addr);
		if (code == 4 && len == 2) {
			if (!sscanf(ptr, "%04x", &i)) return 1;
			ptr += 4;
			sum += ((i >> 8) & 255) + (i & 255);
        		if (!sscanf(ptr, "%02x", &cksum)) return 1;
			if (((sum & 255) + (cksum & 255)) & 255) return 1;
			extended_addr = i << 16;
			//printf("ext addr = %08X\n", extended_addr);
		return 1;	// non-data line
	byte_count += len;
        while (num != len) {
                if (sscanf(ptr, "%02x", &i) != 1) return 0;
		i &= 255;
		firmware_image[addr + extended_addr + num] = i;
		firmware_mask[addr + extended_addr + num] = 1;
                ptr += 2;
                sum += i;
                if (num >= 256) return 0;
        if (!sscanf(ptr, "%02x", &cksum)) return 0;
        if (((sum & 255) + (cksum & 255)) & 255) return 0; /* checksum error */
        return 1;

int ihex_bytes_within_range(int begin, int end)
	int i;

	if (begin < 0 || begin >= MAX_MEMORY_SIZE ||
	   end < 0 || end >= MAX_MEMORY_SIZE) {
		return 0;
	for (i=begin; i<=end; i++) {
		if (firmware_mask[i]) return 1;
	return 0;

void ihex_get_data(int addr, int len, unsigned char *bytes)
	int i;

	if (addr < 0 || len < 0 || addr + len >= MAX_MEMORY_SIZE) {
		for (i=0; i<len; i++) {
			bytes[i] = 255;
	for (i=0; i<len; i++) {
		if (firmware_mask[addr]) {
			bytes[i] = firmware_image[addr];
		} else {
			bytes[i] = 255;

int memory_is_blank(int addr, int block_size)
	if (addr < 0 || addr > MAX_MEMORY_SIZE) return 1;

	while (block_size && addr < MAX_MEMORY_SIZE) {
		if (firmware_mask[addr] && firmware_image[addr] != 255) return 0;
	return 1;

/*                                                              */
/*                       Misc Functions                         */
/*                                                              */

int printf_verbose(const char *format, ...)
	va_list ap;
	int r;

	va_start(ap, format);
	if (verbose) {
		r = vprintf(format, ap);
		return r;
	return 0;

void delay(double seconds)
	#ifdef WIN32
	Sleep(seconds * 1000.0);
	usleep(seconds * 1000000.0);

void die(const char *str, ...)
	va_list  ap;

	va_start(ap, str);
	vfprintf(stderr, str, ap);
	fprintf(stderr, "\n");

#if defined(WIN32)
#define strcasecmp stricmp

void parse_options(int argc, char **argv)
	int i;
	const char *arg;

	for (i=1; i<argc; i++) {
		arg = argv[i];
		//printf("arg: %s\n", arg);
		if (*arg == '-') {
			if (strcmp(arg, "-w") == 0) {
				wait_for_device_to_appear = 1;
			} else if (strcmp(arg, "-r") == 0) {
				hard_reboot_device = 1;
			} else if (strcmp(arg, "-n") == 0) {
				reboot_after_programming = 0;
			} else if (strcmp(arg, "-v") == 0) {
				verbose = 1;
			} else if (strncmp(arg, "-mmcu=", 6) == 0) {
				if (strcasecmp(arg+6, "at90usb162") == 0) {
					code_size = 15872;
					block_size = 128;
				} else if (strcasecmp(arg+6, "atmega32u4") == 0) {
					code_size = 32256;
					block_size = 128;
				} else if (strcasecmp(arg+6, "at90usb646") == 0) {
					code_size = 64512;
					block_size = 256;
				} else if (strcasecmp(arg+6, "at90usb1286") == 0) {
					code_size = 130048;
					block_size = 256;
#if defined(USE_LIBUSB) || defined(USE_WIN32)
				} else if (strcasecmp(arg+6, "mk20dx128") == 0) {
					code_size = 131072;
					block_size = 1024;
				//[Attribution from LenSamuelson] - http://forum.pjrc.com/archive/index.php/t-24787.html
				} else if (strcasecmp(arg+6, "mk20dx256") == 0) {
					code_size = 262144;
					block_size = 1024;
				//[/Attribution from LenSamuelson]
				} else {
					die("Unknown MCU type\n");
		} else {
			filename = argv[i];
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