Teensy 3.1 based custom design?

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I have a little board from the back alleys of Shenzen - maybe 1.5 in. square.
Runs Linux. Has no graphics controller so they can sell it for about $10 in quantity.
I bought a VO-Core, basically a Router chip with pins broken out, running openwrt, has Flash and Ram in a 1inch square package, includes Bluetooth and wifi. Just lacks the memory but that goes for $20 http://vocore.io/store
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I've played with the Edison and VOCore for a while, just a bit meh, I always go back to my Teensy or Foofy if I want Wifi. But the thing is, Linux is great if you want to do Linuxy stuff and want a webserver, But Teensy is quick and easy if you want to get it working quickly. Just the overhead of getting Linux to work, making sure all the io are exported correctly etc Do you know what I mean?
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