Digital Outputs, Interrupts, and PWM

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Well-known member
Okay, I am using a PWM output. I wanted to trigger when the output goes high and when it goes low. So I figured I could tie an interrupt to it. I figured I could tie two of them. One for RISING and one for FALLING. However only one interrupt seem to work, the last one configured. So I looked at the code and it is coded to remove previous vector assignments on a pin. So kind of bummed by that I went ahead and did a CHANGE interrupt. Then I also had to wire the PWM output to a digital input so I can check for a high state when the interrupt fires. This works for now, but uses 1 more pin than I wanted it to.

So the question is this:
Is there a technical reason only one interrupt can be assigned to a pin? What I mean is does the chip not support that? Is the vector table configured to only allow one vector per pin?
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