Adventures in color type conversions (fun with templates, anyone?)

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I'm trying to come up with flexible color classes and conversions between them (sumotoy and I are discussing a flexible framework for writing display drivers, but more flexible than adafruit's gfx library). Have a look at this please:

#ifndef COLORS_H
#define COLORS_H

#include <stdint.h>

namespace thirdExperiment

using namespace std;

namespace channel

static constexpr struct left_aligned_t {} left_aligned = left_aligned_t();
static constexpr struct right_aligned_t {} right_aligned = right_aligned_t();

template<typename T, unsigned int Offset_, unsigned int Width_>
class Proxy
    /* Some checks and typedefs */
    static_assert(std::is_unsigned<T>::value, "ChannelProxy: T must be an unsigned arithmetic type.");
    typedef T data_type;
    static constexpr unsigned int Width = Width_;
    static_assert(Width <= 8, "ChannelProxy: Width must be <= 8.");
    static constexpr unsigned int Offset = Offset_;
    static_assert((Offset + Width) <= 8*sizeof(T), "ChannelProxy: Channel is out of the data type's bounds. Check data type, offset and width.");

    Proxy(T& data) : data_(data) {}

    uint8_t read(right_aligned_t) const
      return ((data_ & read_mask) >> Offset);

    uint8_t read(left_aligned_t) const
      return read(right_aligned) << (8-Width);

    void write(const uint8_t& value, right_aligned_t)
      // input data is right aligned
      data_ = (data_ & write_mask) | ((value & value_mask) << Offset);

    void write(const uint8_t& value, left_aligned_t)
      // input data is left aligned, so shift right to right align, then write
      write(value >> (8-Width), right_aligned);

    static constexpr uint8_t value_mask = (uint8_t)((1<<Width)-1);
    static constexpr T read_mask = (value_mask << Offset);
    static constexpr T write_mask = (T)~read_mask;
    T& data_;

} // namespace channel

struct RGB24
  typedef channel::Proxy<uint8_t, 0, 8> proxy;
  typedef channel::Proxy<const uint8_t, 0, 8> const_proxy;

  RGB24() : r_(0), g_(0), b_(0) {}
  RGB24(const uint8_t& r, const uint8_t& g, const uint8_t& b)
    : r_(r), g_(g), b_(b) {}

  // unfortunately, we need different proxies for read and write access (data_type constness)
  const_proxy r() const {return const_proxy(r_);}
  proxy r() {return proxy(r_);}
  const_proxy g() const {return const_proxy(g_);}
  proxy g() {return proxy(g_);}
  const_proxy b() const {return const_proxy(b_);}
  proxy b() {return proxy(b_);}

  template <typename From>
  RGB24& operator=(const From& from)
    convert(*this, from);
    return *this;

  uint8_t r_;
  uint8_t g_;
  uint8_t b_;

struct RGB565 // 16 bits: MSB | RRRRR GGGGGG BBBBB | LSB
  typedef uint16_t data_type;

  typedef channel::Proxy<data_type, 0, 5> b_proxy;
  typedef channel::Proxy<const data_type, 0, 5> const_b_proxy;
  typedef channel::Proxy<data_type, 5, 6> g_proxy;
  typedef channel::Proxy<const data_type, 5, 6> const_g_proxy;
  typedef channel::Proxy<data_type, 11, 5> r_proxy;
  typedef channel::Proxy<const data_type, 11, 5> const_r_proxy;

  RGB565() : data_(0) {}

  template <typename alignment_type = channel::right_aligned_t>
  RGB565(const uint8_t& r_, const uint8_t& g_, const uint8_t& b_, alignment_type = alignment_type())
    alignment_type alignment;
    r().write(r_, alignment);
    g().write(g_, alignment);
    b().write(b_, alignment);

  template <typename From>
  RGB565& operator=(const From& from)
    convert(*this, from);
    return *this;

  const_r_proxy r() const {return const_r_proxy(data_);}
  r_proxy r() {return r_proxy(data_);}
  const_g_proxy g() const {return const_g_proxy(data_);}
  g_proxy g() {return g_proxy(data_);}
  const_b_proxy b() const {return const_b_proxy(data_);}
  b_proxy b() {return b_proxy(data_);}

  data_type data_;

typedef bool Monochrome;

template <typename To, typename From>
void convert(To& to, const From& from)
  to.r().write(from.r().read(channel::left_aligned), channel::left_aligned);
  to.g().write(from.g().read(channel::left_aligned), channel::left_aligned);
  to.b().write(from.b().read(channel::left_aligned), channel::left_aligned);

template <>
void convert<RGB565, Monochrome>(RGB565& to, const Monochrome& from)
  to.data_ = from ? 0xFFFF : 0;

void convert<RGB24, Monochrome>(RGB24& to, const Monochrome& from)
  to.r_ = from ? 0xFF : 0;
  to.g_ = from ? 0xFF : 0;
  to.b_ = from ? 0xFF : 0;

#endif // COLORS_H

#include <WProgram.h>

#include <algorithm>
#include <array>

#include "colors.h"

#define N 1000

static const uint8_t analogPin = A0; // leave unconnected, we need noise

template <typename T>
T generateRGBfromAdc()
  uint8_t val = analogRead(analogPin);
  uint8_t r = val;
  val = analogRead(analogPin);
  uint8_t g = val;
  val = analogRead(analogPin);
  uint8_t b = val;
  return T(r,g,b);

template <typename T>
T generateMonochromeFromAdc()
  uint8_t val = analogRead(analogPin);
  return T(val & 0x01);

void setup()
  elapsedMicros t;
  uint32_t us;



    using namespace thirdExperiment;
    std::array<RGB24, N> rgb;
    std::fill(rgb.begin(), rgb.end(), RGB24());

    std::array<RGB565, N> rgb565;
    std::generate(rgb.begin(), rgb.end(), generateRGBfromAdc<RGB565>);
    Serial.printf("rgb565[0].r = 0x%02x, .g = 0x%02x, .b = 0x%02x\n",

    Serial.printf("Third Experiment (channel templates): RGB565 to RGB24\n");
    t = elapsedMicros();
    std::copy(rgb565.begin(), rgb565.end(), rgb.begin());
    us = t;
    Serial.printf("time = %u us\n", us);
    Serial.printf("rgb[0].r = 0x%02x, .g = 0x%02x, .b = 0x%02x\n", rgb[0].r_, rgb[0].g_, rgb[0].b_);

    std::array<Monochrome, N> m;
    std::generate(m.begin(), m.end(), generateMonochromeFromAdc<Monochrome>);
    Serial.printf("Third Experiment (channel templates): Monochrome to RGB24\n");
    t = elapsedMicros();
    std::copy(m.begin(), m.end(), rgb.begin());
    us = t;
    Serial.printf("time = %u us\n", us);
    Serial.printf("rgb[0].r = 0x%02x, .g = 0x%02x, .b = 0x%02x\n", rgb[0].r_, rgb[0].g_, rgb[0].b_);
    Serial.printf("rgb[1].r = 0x%02x, .g = 0x%02x, .b = 0x%02x\n", rgb[1].r_, rgb[1].g_, rgb[1].b_);



void loop()
  digitalWriteFast(LED_BUILTIN, true);
  digitalWriteFast(LED_BUILTIN, false);

So it's possible to create custom color classes that a device-specific encoding (look at the RGB565 class for an example) and to convert between them with a generic method as long as they expose a common interface for the templates. Any other conversion can be achieved with a template specialization of convert(). I'm still working on this, but it looks promising. It seems that the compiler can highly optimize this code.


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