(Awesome) Audio Library: FFT & analogReference

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Active member
First of all, Thank you to all who contributed to this library, it is simply impressive!
I'm not creating any sounds but began investigating when I saw the FFT_1024 running at 86Hz! (versus my FFT_64 @ 69Hz -built upon Tony DiCola's FFT demo). Along the way I ran into a few questions:

1) ADC1( pin ) - This made it easier to "bring my own mic" but through troubleshooting I realized that I needed to make this edit to the library:
//analogReference(INTERNAL); // range 0 to 1.2 volts
I'm using Adafruit's mic - which floats at 1/2 Vcc so I didn't need the lower reference, when using a mic/amp package, do I still need the recommended circuit for mic input?

2) Once I got the example adjusted and running, I noticed that the AudioAnalyzeFFT256 runs at half the speed (43hz) of the default 1024... Why is that? Is the sample rate different?
( I know this is designed to make the audio board very accessible, but some advanced controls would be nice, perhaps: analogRef, and Sample rate )

Here's my code - edited to sample a signal on an analog pin:

// FFT Test
// Compute a 1024 point Fast Fourier Transform (spectrum analysis)
// on audio connected to the Left Line-In pin.  By changing code,
// a synthetic sine wave can be input instead.
// The first 40 (of 512) frequency analysis bins are printed to
// the Arduino Serial Monitor.  Viewing the raw data can help you
// understand how the FFT works and what results to expect when
// using the data to control LEDs, motors, or other fun things!
// This example code is in the public domain.

#include <Audio.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <SPI.h>
#include <SD.h>

//const int myInput = AUDIO_INPUT_LINEIN;
//const int myInput = AUDIO_INPUT_MIC;

// Create the Audio components.  These should be created in the
// order data flows, inputs/sources -> processing -> outputs
AudioInputAnalog       adc1(15);
AudioSynthWaveformSine sinewave;
AudioAnalyzeFFT256     myFFT;  
//AudioAnalyzeFFT1024     myFFT;

// Connect either the live input or synthesized sine wave
AudioConnection patchCord1(adc1, 0, myFFT, 0);
//AudioConnection patchCord1(sinewave, 0, myFFT, 0);

void setup() {
  // Audio connections require memory to work.  For more
  // detailed information, see the MemoryAndCpuUsage example
  pinMode(15, INPUT);

  // Configure the window algorithm to use

  // Create a synthetic sine wave, for testing
  // To use this, edit the connections above

int marktime = 0;
void loop() {
  float n;
  int i;

  if (myFFT.available()) {
    // each time new FFT data is available
    // print it all to the Arduino Serial Monitor
    // Serial.print("FFT: ");
    for (i=0; i<40; i++) {
      n = myFFT.read(i);
      if (n >= 0.01) {
        Serial.print(" ");
      else {
        Serial.print("  -  "); // don't print "0.00"
    // calculate and print Hz
    Serial.print (float( 1000000.00 / (micros() - marktime)) ) ;
    Serial.println ("\t Hz");
    marktime = micros();

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