Teensy 3.1 SPI, U8Glib and SDfat

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I'm using a Teensy 3.1 along with a SPI based SD card using SDfat and a SPI based OLED display using U8Glib on the same SPI bus (with separate SS/CS lines). So far, each one works by itself, but both together do not work (as I expected.) The display is using software SPI, as I haven't been able to get hardware based SPI to work with it. I think I need to use SPI transactions, but I'm not sure it'll work with the software SPI for the display. I see there is a software SPI version of SDfat. Should I use that, too?
Getting hardware SPI working with U8Glib at least has allowed the display to work. Now, SDfat is sort of working - empty log files are being created. Not sure if it's an SPI problem or a code related problem, yet. Off to dig some more...
Getting hardware SPI working for both the display and the SD card makes things "just work." The display works great and data is being recorded to the SD card properly. I'm finally making good progress on the software side of things now! Just a few more things to get done in software and I'll finally have an alpha product I can do some real world testing with.
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