Better Serial Monitor

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New member
Love my teensy 3.1! I don't use the Arduino IDE so I wrote a serial monitor program (teensy_term) that does not require Java and that automatically connects to any teensy board(s) as they are connected/rebooted. Run it in an xterm (or any terminal emulator) to see what teensy is saying and to talk back. Tested on Linux with Teensy3.1 but (I think) should work on any Posix OS (unix/mac) with any teensy board (or any USB serial device named /dev/ttyACM*).

  • - Automatically listen to any teensy that is connected.
  • - Automatically attach/detach from teensy boards as they are connected/disconnected.
  • - Works with any number of teensy boards all at the same time.
  • - Does not require Java, but works even if you are running the Arduino IDE.
  • - any character you type to the program gets sent immediately to all connected teensy boards.

Get it from github

or just download the single sourcefile and compile it

Thanks to Paul and everyone at PRJC for creating the awesome teensy3.1!!

Hi Acorn,

How does your new teensy_term serial monitor compare to Putty, screen, and cu, etc.? I've used all of these with Teensy 3.x boards and they work ok. I haven't tried connecting multiple Teensy's at one time.

How does your new teensy_term serial monitor compare to Putty, screen, and cu, etc.?

Hello John,

Short answer: My "teensy_term" probably has much fewer features than the others, but is designed to "just work" with teensy (no configuration or command line options needed) and allows communication with multiple teensy's from a single window.

Long answer:
My first thought was to use minicom, which is similar to putty (I have not used screen or cu but I'm guessing they are similar). The problem was that every time I rebooted (or reprogrammed) the teensy I had to restart minicom. (Also it took me a while to figure out what minicom settings were needed to get it to work with teensy). Then for some reason the teensy started using ttyACM1 instead of ttyACM0. I really wanted a program that would just work without me having to think about it or restart it every time. Also I thought it would be useful to have a single window that shows me the output of all the teensy boards I am using (I have not really used that feature much, but it was a simple extension of the feature of working whether teensy's device node was named ttyACM0, ttyACM1, or ...). Putty may already have some of these features (I don't know) but I don't really like putty for other reasons. So for all these little reasons I just wrote my own. Then it seemed like it might be useful to others so I put it on github and posted it here. Hope you find it useful, but if you already have something that works then no need to bother with it :)

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