Problems with Custom Board - Target not answering

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I have made a custom board based on the MK20DX256, as an alternative to the teensy for one of my projects.
Instead of the MINI54TAN, I am using the SWD-Interface of the MK20 to program it. I can verify that my programmer works just fine.

The circuit is based on the Teensy 3.1 Schematic. The inductor is a 10uH.

Can someone check for errors on the schematic, too? I checked it now multiple times and find no issues.
The crystal used in the circuit is 16MHz 20pF:

Bildschirmfoto 2014-12-16 um 14.31.15.jpg
You might need to edit the Teensyduino startup code, to increase the capacitance. Or add 2 real capacitors, if you want to run the code without mods. Teensy uses an 8pF rated crystal.

Of course, there could be other problems. Usually a crystal will at least oscillate with the wrong capacitance.
What I only see for now as a difference: I don't have any connection to VBAT.
Is the connection to VBAT from VDD really required?
What I only see for now as a difference: I don't have any connection to VBAT.
Is the connection to VBAT from VDD really required?

Things verified so far:
- VDD/AVDD is stable and at 3V3 (checked with oscilloscope)
- All components are correctly soldered
- No bridges on pins are present
- Target answers now (SWD), but doesn't blink LEDs after flashing it with teensyduino blink example.
- Verified Anode and Cathode of LEDs.
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