digitalRead(16) always returning 0 when using SPI?

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I'm using a teensy 3.1 to drive three TFT's over (hardware-line-driven) SPI. That works like a charm.
However, to my device, I have also a pushbutton attached (with 10k pullup resistor), connected to pin 16.
However, when running the following code, digitalRead(16) always returns 0.
    #include <SPI.h>
    #include "Adafruit_GFX.h"
    #include "Adafruit_RA8875.h"
    #include <SD.h>
    #define sd_cs 10
    #define tasten_pin 16

    // Library only supports hardware SPI at this time
    // Connect SCLK to UNO Digital #13 (Hardware SPI clock)
    // Connect MISO to UNO Digital #12 (Hardware SPI MISO)
    // Connect MOSI to UNO Digital #11 (Hardware SPI MOSI)
    #define RA8875_CS 9
    #define RA8875_CS_2 6
    #define RA8875_CS_3 2
    #define RA8875_RESET 3

    Adafruit_RA8875 tft1 = Adafruit_RA8875(RA8875_CS);
    Adafruit_RA8875 tft2 = Adafruit_RA8875(RA8875_CS_2);
    Adafruit_RA8875 tft3 = Adafruit_RA8875(RA8875_CS_3);
    uint16_t tx, ty;

    void setup()

      if (!SD.begin(sd_cs))
        Serial.println("SD initialization failed!");

      Serial.println("SD initialization done.");
      Serial.println("Press the Button!");
      while(digitalRead(16) == LOW){} // is low forever ...

      reset_tfts(RA8875_RESET); // Resetting manually to be able to use a common reset-line for all TFT's

      Serial.println("RA8875 1 start");
      /* Initialise the display using 'RA8875_480x272' or 'RA8875_800x480' */
      if (!tft1.begin_without_reset(RA8875_800x480)) {
        Serial.println("RA8875 1 Not Found!");
        while (1);
      Serial.println("Found RA8875");

      Serial.println("RA8875 2 start");
      /* Initialise the display using 'RA8875_480x272' or 'RA8875_800x480' */
      if (!tft2.begin_without_reset(RA8875_800x480)) {
        Serial.println("RA8875 2 Not Found!");
        while (1);
      Serial.println("Found RA8875 2");

      Serial.println("RA8875 3 start");
      /* Initialise the display using 'RA8875_480x272' or 'RA8875_800x480' */
      if (!tft3.begin_without_reset(RA8875_800x480)) {
        Serial.println("RA8875 3 Not Found!");
        while (1);
      Serial.println("Found RA8875 3");


    void loop() {
      long int next_update;
      int update_intervall = 30000; // 30 Sekunden
      bmpDraw(&tft1, "1a.bmp", 0, 0); bmpDraw(&tft2, "1b.bmp", 0, 0); bmpDraw(&tft3, "1c.bmp", 0, 0);

      next_update = millis() + update_intervall;
      Serial.print(" ");
      while(millis() < next_update && digitalRead(tasten_pin) == HIGH){}
      bmpDraw(&tft1, "2a.bmp", 0, 0); bmpDraw(&tft2, "2b.bmp", 0, 0); bmpDraw(&tft3, "2c.bmp", 0, 0);

      next_update = millis() + update_intervall;
      Serial.print(" ");
      while(millis() < next_update && digitalRead(tasten_pin) == HIGH){}
      bmpDraw(&tft1, "3a.bmp", 0, 0); bmpDraw(&tft2, "3b.bmp", 0, 0); bmpDraw(&tft3, "3c.bmp", 0, 0);

      next_update = millis() + update_intervall;
      while(millis() < next_update && digitalRead(tasten_pin) == HIGH){}
      bmpDraw(&tft1, "4a.bmp", 0, 0); bmpDraw(&tft2, "4b.bmp", 0, 0); bmpDraw(&tft3, "4c.bmp", 0, 0);

      next_update = millis() + update_intervall;
      while(millis() < next_update && digitalRead(tasten_pin) == HIGH){}

    void tftSetup(Adafruit_RA8875 *tft)
      tft->GPIOX(true);      // Enable TFT - display enable tied to GPIOX
      tft->PWM1config(true, RA8875_PWM_CLK_DIV1024); // PWM output for backlight

      // With hardware accelleration this is instant
    #define BUFFPIXEL 20

    void bmpDraw(Adafruit_RA8875 *tft, char *filename, int x, int y) {
      File     bmpFile;
      int      bmpWidth, bmpHeight;   // W+H in pixels
      uint8_t  bmpDepth;              // Bit depth (currently must be 24)
      uint32_t bmpImageoffset;        // Start of image data in file
      uint32_t rowSize;               // Not always = bmpWidth; may have padding
      uint8_t  sdbuffer[3*BUFFPIXEL]; // pixel in buffer (R+G+B per pixel)
      uint16_t lcdbuffer[BUFFPIXEL];  // pixel out buffer (16-bit per pixel)
      uint8_t  buffidx = sizeof(sdbuffer); // Current position in sdbuffer
      boolean  goodBmp = false;       // Set to true on valid header parse
      boolean  flip    = true;        // BMP is stored bottom-to-top
      int      w, h, row, col;
      uint8_t  r, g, b;
      uint32_t pos = 0, startTime = millis();
      uint8_t  lcdidx = 0;
      boolean  first = true;

      if((x >= tft->width()) || (y >= tft->height())) return;

      Serial.print(F("Loading image '"));

      // Open requested file on SD card
      if ((bmpFile = == NULL) {
        Serial.println(F("File not found"));

      // Parse BMP header
      if(read16(bmpFile) == 0x4D42) { // BMP signature
        Serial.println(F("File size: "));
        (void)read32(bmpFile); // Read & ignore creator bytes
        bmpImageoffset = read32(bmpFile); // Start of image data
        Serial.print(F("Image Offset: "));
        Serial.println(bmpImageoffset, DEC);

        // Read DIB header
        Serial.print(F("Header size: "));
        bmpWidth  = read32(bmpFile);
        bmpHeight = read32(bmpFile);

        if(read16(bmpFile) == 1) { // # planes -- must be '1'
          bmpDepth = read16(bmpFile); // bits per pixel
          Serial.print(F("Bit Depth: "));
          if((bmpDepth == 24) && (read32(bmpFile) == 0)) { // 0 = uncompressed
            goodBmp = true; // Supported BMP format -- proceed!
            Serial.print(F("Image size: "));

            // BMP rows are padded (if needed) to 4-byte boundary
            rowSize = (bmpWidth * 3 + 3) & ~3;

            // If bmpHeight is negative, image is in top-down order.
            // This is not canon but has been observed in the wild.
            if(bmpHeight < 0) {
              bmpHeight = -bmpHeight;
              flip      = false;

            // Crop area to be loaded
            w = bmpWidth;
            h = bmpHeight;
            if((x+w-1) >= tft->width())  w = tft->width()  - x;
            if((y+h-1) >= tft->height()) h = tft->height() - y;

            // Set TFT address window to clipped image bounds

            for (row=0; row<h; row++) { // For each scanline...
              // Seek to start of scan line.  It might seem labor-
              // intensive to be doing this on every line, but this
              // method covers a lot of gritty details like cropping
              // and scanline padding.  Also, the seek only takes
              // place if the file position actually needs to change
              // (avoids a lot of cluster math in SD library).
              if(flip) // Bitmap is stored bottom-to-top order (normal BMP)
                pos = bmpImageoffset + (bmpHeight - 1 - row) * rowSize;
              else     // Bitmap is stored top-to-bottom
              pos = bmpImageoffset + row * rowSize;
              if(bmpFile.position() != pos) { // Need seek?
                buffidx = sizeof(sdbuffer); // Force buffer reload

              for (col=0; col<w; col++) { // For each column...
                // Time to read more pixel data?
                if (buffidx >= sizeof(sdbuffer)) { // Indeed
                  // Push LCD buffer to the display first
                  if(lcdidx > 0) {
                    tft->drawPixel(col, row, lcdbuffer[lcdidx]);
                    lcdidx = 0;
                    first  = false;

        , sizeof(sdbuffer));
                  buffidx = 0; // Set index to beginning

                // Convert pixel from BMP to TFT format
                b = sdbuffer[buffidx++];
                g = sdbuffer[buffidx++];
                r = sdbuffer[buffidx++];
                lcdbuffer[lcdidx] = color565(r,g,b);
                tft->drawPixel(col, row, lcdbuffer[lcdidx]);
              } // end pixel

            } // end scanline

            // Write any remaining data to LCD
            if(lcdidx > 0) {
              tft->drawPixel(col, row, lcdbuffer[lcdidx]);

            Serial.print(F("Loaded in "));
            Serial.print(millis() - startTime);
            Serial.println(" ms");

          } // end goodBmp

      if(!goodBmp) Serial.println(F("BMP format not recognized."));


    // These read 16- and 32-bit types from the SD card file.
    // BMP data is stored little-endian, Arduino is little-endian too.
    // May need to reverse subscript order if porting elsewhere.

    uint16_t read16(File f) {
      uint16_t result;
      ((uint8_t *)&result)[0] =; // LSB
      ((uint8_t *)&result)[1] =; // MSB
      return result;

    uint32_t read32(File f) {
      uint32_t result;
      ((uint8_t *)&result)[0] =; // LSB
      ((uint8_t *)&result)[1] =;
      ((uint8_t *)&result)[2] =;
      ((uint8_t *)&result)[3] =; // MSB
      return result;

    uint16_t color565(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b) {
      return ((r & 0xF8) << 8) | ((g & 0xFC) << 3) | (b >> 3);

    byte decToBcd(byte val){
      // Convert normal decimal numbers to binary coded decimal
      return ( (val/10*16) + (val%10) );
void reset_tfts(int reset_pin){
  pinMode(reset_pin, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(reset_pin, LOW);
  digitalWrite(reset_pin, HIGH);

If I use the example code by Tom I (see following code), the pushbutton works as expected.
 Turns on and off a light emitting diode(LED) connected to digital  
 pin 13, when pressing a pushbutton attached to pin 2. 
 The circuit:
 * pushbutton attached to pin 16 from ground
 * 10K resistor attached to pin 16 from +5V (pullup)
 created 2005
 by DojoDave <>
 modified 30 Aug 2011
 by Tom Igoe
 This example code is in the public domain.

// constants won't change. They're used here to 
// set pin numbers:
const int buttonPin = 16;     // the number of the pushbutton pin
const int ledPin =  13;      // the number of the LED pin
  // Pin 13: Arduino has an LED connected on pin 13
  // Pin 11: Teensy 2.0 has the LED on pin 11
  // Pin  6: Teensy++ 2.0 has the LED on pin 6
  // Pin 13: Teensy 3.0 has the LED on pin 13

// variables will change:
int buttonState = 0;         // variable for reading the pushbutton status

void setup() {
  // initialize the LED pin as an output:
  pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);      
  // initialize the pushbutton pin as an input:
  pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT);     

void loop(){
  // read the state of the pushbutton value:
  buttonState = digitalRead(buttonPin);

  // check if the pushbutton is pressed.
  // if it is, the buttonState is HIGH:
  if (buttonState == HIGH) {     
    // turn LED on:    
    digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);  
  else {
    // turn LED off:
    digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); 

Is digitalRead somehow influenced by SPI?

Thank you,
You must use pinMode(16, INPUT) or pinMode(16, INPUT_PULLUP) to put the pin into input mode.

On Teensy 3.1, by default the pins start in a special power-saving disabled mode. This has a benefit of preventing the pin from consuming extra power, but it also means you must configure the pin before you can use it.
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