Flip-dots gone mad. How could we build a smaller one, low cost?

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Ok, I'll bite. What did you have in mind for the actuators? How small is small?

I did a bit of searching for miniature solenoids. On Ebay the cheapest push-pull solenoid I found was $3.78 for a pair. Assuming to shaft is perpendicular to the display and a suitable linkage could be made, this would give pixels about 12mm x 12mm.
I think the new commercial flip-dot modules are pretty pricy.

Maybe someone found a supply of old ones and salvaged them?

Maybe someone has a really nice rig for creating wire coils?

If you didn't mind something extremely slow (maybe fast enough for a clock), might be possible to build an inexpensive one from a flat bed scanner or plotter and a single solenoid. One dot would be flipped at a time.
reading .. searching
mobitec.eu is an OEM.

One hobbyist says he got flipdot panels without controller on the cheap from a junk yard for busses.

Probably impractical to get many of these inexpensively. But they do look like fun. And no current consumed when unchanging!
I remember that a few months ago a post was made to Hackaday about controlling flip-dots;http://hackaday.com/2014/10/20/controlling-a-flip-disc-display-using-android/, it points to Alfa-Zeta for the flip-dots, they're based in Poland, perhaps this is the company you mention?

Yes, I noted the name Alfa-Zeta - it may be that Mobitec is a distributor or OEM consumer of Alfa-Zeta.

We could search eBay for bus displays that are salvage. Or get friendly with a nearby bus salvage or repair shop.
Those big flip-dot displays in some airports always interested me.
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