Android ADK support and USB host


this patch (View attachment teensy_usbhost_v1.patch.txt) adds Android ADK and USB host support to the Teensy 3.1 hardware.

Apply to arduino install with Teensy integrated:
cd arduino-1.0.6
patch -p1 < teensy_usbhost_v1.patch.txt

Unplug detection, printf() support and Serial class are not implemented yet. Please give me feedback after you tried it out.

Best regards,
Manuel Stahl
Wow, that's a huge and impressive patch!

So far, the Teensy core library has always been MIT license. Teensy 3.x has a small attribution clause, but it's basically just MIT.

I'm not sure how I feel about bringing lots of GPL code into the core library. Wouldn't that expose everyone who's using Teensy for non-GPL projects to GPL's requirements?
That's a very good point. Of course I didn't want to start from scratch to implement the ADK stuff. So there was only ADK 2011 or ADK 2012 as base. Actually I wanted to have all features of ADK 2012 (audio streaming etc) and this is also licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. But it's much more complicated to get it running. Also I had to change a lot of the Teensy USB core code to integrate host support, so it's not so easy to distribute USBHost as an Arduino library.

Maybe we should take this patch as starting example and switch to ADK 2012 as soon as possible.

Is there anyone interested to help out with the transition?
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One question: Do you know if ADK has any future? Last specification was from 2012 and no (recent) Arduino board has this "mark" on it.
Do you think ADK is a dead-end? If so, there is something similar nowadays?
Or maybe I'm missing something?
As far as I know Android Auto is also based on the ADK protocol. So it seems Android will keep support for this for quite a while.