Adafruit 3.5" TFT HX8357D

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Is that not-very-optimized 8 bit library actually faster than optimized SPI?

I have stuck with SPI. It's working.
I go the Bitmaps working. It was on the wrong Card CS port.
But I am using the ILI9341 library on the HX8357D display.
Works fine. I'm going to stick with it and look at getting UTFT running some time later,

Thank you all for your help

Hi Guys,
I have the display working nicely but the touch screen is not.
I have changed the Breakouttouch code from the HX8357 library.
If I take out the touch component the code draws the boxes on the screen fine.
Again it is an teensy 3.2 with the adafruit 320x480 screen with the HX8357D chip.
I'm using Arduino 1.6.5 as 1.6.6 has issues compiling and larger errors.
With the latest teensy downloader.
The touchscreen library is adafruits one.

Here is the code

This is our touchscreen painting example for the Adafruit HX8357 Breakout

Check out the links above for our tutorials and wiring diagrams
These displays use SPI to communicate, 4 or 5 pins are required to
interface (RST is optional)
Adafruit invests time and resources providing this open source code,
please support Adafruit and open-source hardware by purchasing
products from Adafruit!

Written by Limor Fried/Ladyada for Adafruit Industries.
MIT license, all text above must be included in any redistribution


#include <Adafruit_GFX.h> // Core graphics library
#include <SPI.h>
#include "Adafruit_ILI9341.h" // Hardware-specific library
#include "TouchScreen.h"

// These are the four touchscreen analog pins
#define YP A2 // must be an analog pin, use "An" notation!
#define XM A3 // must be an analog pin, use "An" notation!
#define YM 6 // can be a digital pin
#define XP 7 // can be a digital pin

// This is calibration data for the raw touch data to the screen coordinates
#define TS_MINX 110
#define TS_MINY 80
#define TS_MAXX 900
#define TS_MAXY 940

#define MINPRESSURE 10
#define MAXPRESSURE 1000

// The display uses hardware SPI, plus #9 & #10

#define TFT_DC 9
#define TFT_CS 10

Adafruit_ILI9341 tft = Adafruit_ILI9341(TFT_CS, TFT_DC);

// For better pressure precision, we need to know the resistance
// between X+ and X- Use any multimeter to read it
// For the one we're using, its 300 ohms across the X plate
TouchScreen ts = TouchScreen(XP, YP, XM, YM, 300);

// Size of the color selection boxes and the paintbrush size
#define BOXSIZE 40
#define PENRADIUS 3
int oldcolor, currentcolor;

void setup(void) {

Serial.println(F("Touch Paint!"));


// make the color selection boxes
tft.fillRect(0, 0, BOXSIZE, BOXSIZE, ILI9341_RED);
tft.fillRect(BOXSIZE*2, 0, BOXSIZE, BOXSIZE, ILI9341_GREEN);
tft.fillRect(BOXSIZE*3, 0, BOXSIZE, BOXSIZE, ILI9341_CYAN);
tft.fillRect(BOXSIZE*4, 0, BOXSIZE, BOXSIZE, ILI9341_BLUE);
tft.fillRect(BOXSIZE*6, 0, BOXSIZE, BOXSIZE, ILI9341_BLACK);
tft.fillRect(BOXSIZE*6, 0, BOXSIZE, BOXSIZE, ILI9341_WHITE);

// select the current color 'red'
tft.drawRect(0, 0, BOXSIZE, BOXSIZE, ILI9341_WHITE);
currentcolor = ILI9341_RED;

void loop()
// Retrieve a point
TSPoint p = ts.getPoint();

// we have some minimum pressure we consider 'valid'
// pressure of 0 means no pressing!
if (p.z < MINPRESSURE || p.z > MAXPRESSURE) {

Serial.print("X = "); Serial.print(p.x);
Serial.print("\tY = "); Serial.print(p.y);
Serial.print("\tPressure = "); Serial.println(p.z);

// Scale from ~0->1000 to tft.width using the calibration #'s
p.x = map(p.x, TS_MINX, TS_MAXX, 0, tft.width());
p.y = map(p.y, TS_MINY, TS_MAXY, 0, tft.height());

Serial.print("("); Serial.print(p.x);
Serial.print(", "); Serial.print(p.y);

if (p.y < BOXSIZE) {
oldcolor = currentcolor;

if (p.x < BOXSIZE) {
currentcolor = ILI9341_RED;
tft.drawRect(0, 0, BOXSIZE, BOXSIZE, ILI9341_WHITE);
} else if (p.x < BOXSIZE*2) {
currentcolor = ILI9341_YELLOW;
} else if (p.x < BOXSIZE*3) {
currentcolor = ILI9341_GREEN;
tft.drawRect(BOXSIZE*2, 0, BOXSIZE, BOXSIZE, ILI9341_WHITE);
} else if (p.x < BOXSIZE*4) {
currentcolor = ILI9341_CYAN;
tft.drawRect(BOXSIZE*3, 0, BOXSIZE, BOXSIZE, ILI9341_WHITE);
} else if (p.x < BOXSIZE*5) {
currentcolor = ILI9341_BLUE;
tft.drawRect(BOXSIZE*4, 0, BOXSIZE, BOXSIZE, ILI9341_WHITE);
} else if (p.x < BOXSIZE*6) {
currentcolor = ILI9341_MAGENTA;
tft.drawRect(BOXSIZE*5, 0, BOXSIZE, BOXSIZE, ILI9341_WHITE);
} else if (p.x < BOXSIZE*7) {
currentcolor = ILI9341_WHITE;
tft.drawRect(BOXSIZE*6, 0, BOXSIZE, BOXSIZE, ILI9341_RED);
} else if (p.x < BOXSIZE*8) {
currentcolor = ILI9341_BLACK;
tft.drawRect(BOXSIZE*7, 0, BOXSIZE, BOXSIZE, ILI9341_WHITE);

if (oldcolor != currentcolor) {
if (oldcolor == ILI9341_RED)
tft.fillRect(0, 0, BOXSIZE, BOXSIZE, ILI9341_RED);
if (oldcolor == ILI9341_YELLOW)
if (oldcolor == ILI9341_GREEN)
tft.fillRect(BOXSIZE*2, 0, BOXSIZE, BOXSIZE, ILI9341_GREEN);
if (oldcolor == ILI9341_CYAN)
tft.fillRect(BOXSIZE*3, 0, BOXSIZE, BOXSIZE, ILI9341_CYAN);
if (oldcolor == ILI9341_BLUE)
tft.fillRect(BOXSIZE*4, 0, BOXSIZE, BOXSIZE, ILI9341_BLUE);
if (oldcolor == ILI9341_MAGENTA)
if (oldcolor == ILI9341_WHITE)
tft.fillRect(BOXSIZE*6, 0, BOXSIZE, BOXSIZE, ILI9341_WHITE);
if (oldcolor == ILI9341_BLACK)
tft.fillRect(BOXSIZE*7, 0, BOXSIZE, BOXSIZE, ILI9341_BLACK);
if (((p.y-PENRADIUS) > BOXSIZE) && ((p.y+PENRADIUS) < tft.height())) {
tft.fillCircle(p.x, p.y, PENRADIUS, currentcolor);

and the error message I'm getting.

In file included from C:\arduino\arduino-1.6.5\hardware\teensy\avr\cores\teensy3/wiring.h:33:0,
from C:\arduino\arduino-1.6.5\hardware\teensy\avr\cores\teensy3/wiring_private.h:7,
from C:\arduino\arduino-1.6.5\hardware\teensy\avr\libraries\TouchScreen\TouchScreen.cpp:7:
C:\arduino\arduino-1.6.5\hardware\teensy\avr\cores\teensy3/core_pins.h: In function 'void digitalWriteFast(uint8_t, uint8_t)':
C:\arduino\arduino-1.6.5\hardware\teensy\avr\cores\teensy3/core_pins.h:1328:24: error: 'portSetRegister' was not declared in this scope
*portSetRegister(pin) = digitalPinToBitMask(pin);
C:\arduino\arduino-1.6.5\hardware\teensy\avr\cores\teensy3/core_pins.h:1328:51: error: 'digitalPinToBitMask' was not declared in this scope
*portSetRegister(pin) = digitalPinToBitMask(pin);
C:\arduino\arduino-1.6.5\hardware\teensy\avr\cores\teensy3/core_pins.h:1330:26: error: 'portClearRegister' was not declared in this scope
*portClearRegister(pin) = digitalPinToBitMask(pin);
C:\arduino\arduino-1.6.5\hardware\teensy\avr\cores\teensy3/core_pins.h:1330:53: error: 'digitalPinToBitMask' was not declared in this scope
*portClearRegister(pin) = digitalPinToBitMask(pin);
C:\arduino\arduino-1.6.5\hardware\teensy\avr\cores\teensy3/core_pins.h: In function 'uint8_t digitalReadFast(uint8_t)':
C:\arduino\arduino-1.6.5\hardware\teensy\avr\cores\teensy3/core_pins.h:1432:32: error: 'portInputRegister' was not declared in this scope
return *portInputRegister(pin);
C:\arduino\arduino-1.6.5\hardware\teensy\avr\libraries\TouchScreen\TouchScreen.cpp: In member function 'TSPoint TouchScreen::getPoint()':
C:\arduino\arduino-1.6.5\hardware\teensy\avr\libraries\TouchScreen\TouchScreen.cpp:61:41: error: 'digitalPinToPort' was not declared in this scope
uint8_t xp_port = digitalPinToPort(_xp);
C:\arduino\arduino-1.6.5\hardware\teensy\avr\libraries\TouchScreen\TouchScreen.cpp:66:43: error: 'digitalPinToBitMask' was not declared in this scope
uint8_t xp_pin = digitalPinToBitMask(_xp);
C:\arduino\arduino-1.6.5\hardware\teensy\avr\libraries\TouchScreen\TouchScreen.cpp:77:30: error: 'portOutputRegister' was not declared in this scope
*portOutputRegister(yp_port) &= ~yp_pin;
Multiple libraries were found for "TouchScreen.h"
Used: C:\arduino\arduino-1.6.5\hardware\teensy\avr\libraries\TouchScreen
Not used: C:\arduino\arduino-1.6.5\libraries\Touch-Screen-Library-master
Error compiling.

Any help would be appreciated.
I got it working finally.
I hope this will help somebody. Here is what I used.
I have and adafruit 320 x 480 3.5 inch tft product code 2050 with the HX8357D chip.
With a Teensy 3.2 in SPI mode.
I have Arduino 1.6.6, teensyduino 1.26.
I used the standard adafruit touch library
But added HWGUYS code from here

The code I used is the teensy's breakouttouchpaint but for the ILI9341 tft.
The ILI9341 library works on the HX8357D but the HX8357 library does not.

I hope this saves somebody a weeks worth of searching.

I've made a number of fixes to this Touchscreen library. Here's the latest code:

This version works *much* better. The original code wasn't allowing settling time for the signals, which is unnecessary for slow AVR. Teensy 3.2's CPU and ADC are so fast that it was measuring before the signals were stable. This lib also had a signal validity check that was too strict. This relaxed check allows much better sensitivity.
I've made a number of fixes to this Touchscreen library. Here's the latest code:

This version works *much* better. The original code wasn't allowing settling time for the signals, which is unnecessary for slow AVR. Teensy 3.2's CPU and ADC are so fast that it was measuring before the signals were stable. This lib also had a signal validity check that was too strict. This relaxed check allows much better sensitivity.

Oh wow. So smooth. I can actually paint now with the breakouttouchpaint sketch.
Thankyou so much Paul. You're a life saver.

I've made a number of fixes to this Touchscreen library. Here's the latest code:

This version works *much* better. The original code wasn't allowing settling time for the signals, which is unnecessary for slow AVR. Teensy 3.2's CPU and ADC are so fast that it was measuring before the signals were stable. This lib also had a signal validity check that was too strict. This relaxed check allows much better sensitivity.

Is there a way to do that without using a delay so that its less blocking? Maybe do a pair of Analog reads and discard them?
I'm afraid a delay is unavoidable. You can have it in the form of a few analogRead() calls, or delayMicroseconds(), so some other way. Or you could try to do other useful work during that time.

But you can't escape the physical reality that you're driving digital signals onto one side of a distributed resistive panel, which also has significant capacitance which effectively forms a R-C low pass filter. It simply takes time to respond. Not much time, which is why the delay is only 20 us. For some touchscreens you could probably reduce the delay. The one I tested needed about 10 to 15 us, so I set the delay to 20 us to be a bit conservative.
Hi - I have this Adafruit 3.5" TFT HX8357D, and I finally have it working with the ILI9341_t3.h library. As recommended above, I changed:

#define ILI9341_TFTWIDTH 320
#define ILI9341_TFTHEIGHT 480

But when I compile and run graphicstest out of the ILI9341_t3.h examples folder, it only uses a small corner of the screen. Are there other things I need to change? I am new at mucking around in libraries.

I think I used the init setup of the ILI9341 and copied it to the HX8357D example!

BTW check out the Nextion TFT screens.
Have the price of the Adafruit screen with full editor. Much faster too.
I have the Adafruit 3.5" TFT HX8357D and a Teensy 3.2. Here I was about to complain that it wasn't working when I started by checking my wiring. The wiring was wrong. Doh. Fixing that gives me a screen running using SPI, Paul's library and the graphicstest example.

However, I've the same problem that others have reported. Hardware SPI causes the code to crash, quite possibly at tft.begin(). Software SPI runs fine, although so so slowly...

By that, I mean that this doesn't work:
Adafruit_HX8357 tft = Adafruit_HX8357(TFT_CS, TFT_DC, TFT_RST);
This does work:
Adafruit_HX8357 tft = Adafruit_HX8357(TFT_CS, TFT_DC, TFT_MOSI, TFT_CLK, TFT_RST, TFT_MISO);

At which point I go huh? Coz I'm using the usual pins:
#define TFT_MOSI 11
#define TFT_MISO 12
#define TFT_CLK 13
I have the Adafruit 3.5" TFT HX8357D and a Teensy 3.2. Here I was about to complain that it wasn't working when I started by checking my wiring. The wiring was wrong. Doh. Fixing that gives me a screen running using SPI, Paul's library and the graphicstest example.

However, I've the same problem that others have reported. Hardware SPI causes the code to crash, quite possibly at tft.begin(). Software SPI runs fine, although so so slowly...

By that, I mean that this doesn't work:
Adafruit_HX8357 tft = Adafruit_HX8357(TFT_CS, TFT_DC, TFT_RST);
This does work:
Adafruit_HX8357 tft = Adafruit_HX8357(TFT_CS, TFT_DC, TFT_MOSI, TFT_CLK, TFT_RST, TFT_MISO);

At which point I go huh? Coz I'm using the usual pins:
#define TFT_MOSI 11
#define TFT_MISO 12
#define TFT_CLK 13

Did you define TFT_DC and TFT_RST and wire them?
Hi guys,

sorry for this dumb question, but i bought me this HX8357C display and while looking at the pins and some example code I am completely confused


how would i connect it to my teensy 3.2 ?? .. What is this SD_CS pin?

from the example:

// For the Adafruit shield, these are the default.
#define TFT_DC 9
#define TFT_CS 10

#define TFT_MOSI 11
#define TFT_MISO 12
#define TFT_CLK 13
// Use hardware SPI (on Uno, #13, #12, #11) and the above for CS/DC
//Adafruit_ILI9341 tft = Adafruit_ILI9341(TFT_CS, TFT_DC);
// If using the breakout, change pins as desired
Adafruit_ILI9341 tft = Adafruit_ILI9341(TFT_CS, TFT_DC, TFT_MOSI, TFT_CLK, TFT_RST, TFT_MISO);
where would i connect TFT_DC and TFT_CS on the display?
can someone give me a help?
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The display is using 16 bit bus mode and needs about 20 Teensy pins. As far as I know there is no existing library for Teensy.

The SPI pins/bus is for the SD Card and the flash chip. SD_CS is the chip select for the SD Card
The display is using 16 bit bus mode and needs about 20 Teensy pins. As far as I know there is no existing library for Teensy.

can't i just use the Adafruit_ILI9341 for this?

it is a display for arduino mega.. shuld i maybe build me a "mega on a breadboard" and control it via the teensy?
No, the display won't work with the Adafruit_ILI9341 library. The reason is that the Adafruit_ILI9341 uses the SPI interface for the display and your display is configured for a 16 bit interface.
No, the display won't work with the Adafruit_ILI9341 library. The reason is that the Adafruit_ILI9341 uses the SPI interface for the display and your display is configured for a 16 bit interface.

oh,.. i understand :/ .. hmm.. is there a shield or some other solution for that? what would I need to get this working? or should i buy a other display?

would this shield help?
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oh,.. i understand :/ .. hmm.. is there a shield or some other solution for that? what would I need to get this working? or should i buy a other display?

would this shield help?

A quick glance shows that this shield expects/sends 5v signalling (since the Mega runs on 5v). So you would need to do the appropriate level shifting to convert the Teensy 3.3v signals (both ways) to 5v, and then the shield converts them back to 3.3v.
A quick glance shows that this shield expects/sends 5v signalling (since the Mega runs on 5v). So you would need to do the appropriate level shifting to convert the Teensy 3.3v signals (both ways) to 5v, and then the shield converts them back to 3.3v.
please correct me if i am wrong, but is the VIN-pin on the teensy 3.2 not 5v ??
please correct me if i am wrong, but is the VIN-pin on the teensy 3.2 not 5v ??

The VIN pin is whatever voltage you connected to your Teensy (5v if you use USB) in the range of around 3.6-6v.

However, the point I was trying to make was all of the data pins would expect 5v input and send 5v outputs. Now, if the shield is setup to recognize 3.3v that the Teensy sends, and you use the Teensy 3.2 or 3.5 (but not the LC or 3.6) to read the digital inputs, then it may work. However, if the device is expecting only 5v, it may not work.

Given the Teensy does not use the Mega form factor, you would have to run a lot of wires to adapt the code to meet the shield, and change the code for the appropriate Teensy pins, I'm not sure the shield buys you anything. Just run the wires directly to the display. Note, on a 3.2, you likely will need to use the bottom solder pads to get the number of pins. There are breakout boards to give you easier access to those pins (or just get a Teensy 3.5/3.6 to get more pins in easily accessible locations).

I suspect if you work at enough, you might be able to get the display to work. However, at the end of the day, it may be simpler to get a display that uses SPI (or i2c/serial UART) and has a known working driver. Its your call.
Hi Michael :)

thanks for the explanation.. yes I do feed the teensy via USB.. therefor my VIN is 5v

I have wired the display directly to the teensy 3.2 .. the backlight seems to work when 5V and GND is connected.. but the rest..sorry i am a completely noob at this.. not :/ .. and i completely do not know where to start..
i mean, .. how would i wire it? .. do i have to use all pins?
Hi Michael :)

thanks for the explanation.. yes I do feed the teensy via USB.. therefor my VIN is 5v

I have wired the display directly to the teensy 3.2 .. the backlight seems to work when 5V and GND is connected.. but the rest..sorry i am a completely noob at this.. not :/ .. and i completely do not know where to start..
i mean, .. how would i wire it? .. do i have to use all pins?

That's why I think it would be simpler to look for a supported display. Where to start? You would need to get the datasheet to find the pin assignments and what the commands are for the display. If the code for the Mega shield is available, you could potentially use it as a starting place for writing your code, unless it is hard-wired to the Mega using assembly code that won't port easily to the Teensy.

Some displays have an option to switch to 4 pin SPI mode, in which case you would wire the appropriate switch high/low (and use the appropriate SPI library). But if it doesn't have a SPI mode or there isn't a SPI library for the display, you are in for a tough slog.
That's why I think it would be simpler to look for a supported display. Where to start? You would need to get the datasheet to find the pin assignments and what the commands are for the display. If the code for the Mega shield is available, you could potentially use it as a starting place for writing your code, unless it is hard-wired to the Mega using assembly code that won't port easily to the Teensy.

Some displays have an option to switch to 4 pin SPI mode, in which case you would wire the appropriate switch high/low (and use the appropriate SPI library). But if it doesn't have a SPI mode or there isn't a SPI library for the display, you are in for a tough slog.

thank you very much :)
I found a libary for exactly my display, that should work with teensy 3.2

unfortunately i have alredy soldered the side-pins on my teensy and can't get them unsoldered to get it all on the breakout-board .. so i ordered a new teensy :D .. and now i'm waiting..

anyway.. there are soooo many nice displays out there.. is there a basic-tutorial on dispays? .. what about the industrial displays.. do all displays work the same way? .. i mean, it would be really nice to use anything that I think looks nice, e.g. an old smartphone-display.. or a display from an old midi-controller, etc.
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