22 x 1m LED Wall with 6 Teensy's

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Hello all,

I've been charged with creating a long LED wall for the VIP room at a music festival. I've worked with the Teensy on several projects now, controlling up to 2500 LEDs, but this is a much different scale. The client would like a 22 x 1m LED wall for extremely cheap, so I suggested using 32 strips of generic 30 LED/m WS2812b strip. The whole thing would be split up into 6 segments: five 4x1m panels and one 2x1m panel.

Each panel would consist of 32x4m strips, which amounts to 3840 pixels per panel (a total of 21120 pixels). Considering this is a "simple" LED array, the power topology is pretty straightforward but what I am here to ask about it control. I've seen that the Teensy now supports Artnet as well. I plan on ordering the WIZ820io + microSD adapter and an ethernet module to experiment with, but I wanted to ask directly first: is the WIZ820io + microSD adaptor compatible with the OctoWS2811 Adaptor?

I also wanted to ask what software people have been using for extremely large arrays such as this. I've used Artnet in the past for controlling a maximum of 2 universes with MaxMSP patches but I'd like to implement a more professional program this time. Has anyone had experience with Mapio (http://visution.com/mapio)? Or any other programs for controlling a whopping 124 Universes?

Thanks for any help!
Stefan Herbert
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