EEPROM.h stopped working between 1.2 and 1.23

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Well-known member
the code is rather huge to post, so here is a link

the version with the problem is here

with teensyduino 1.2 i was including EEPROM.h and just writing a single value a second after a change was made to a control, so it can be read back the next time it is powered up. it was working very nicely.

I got a message from someone using teensyduino 1.23 saying there was an error and it would not load,so i tried it and i get the same thing.

D:\arduino-1.0.6-teensy123\libraries\EEPROM\EEPROM.cpp:40:9: error: redefinition of 'uint8_t EEPROMClass::read(int)'
 uint8_t EEPROMClass::read(int address)
In file included from D:\arduino-1.0.6-teensy123\libraries\EEPROM\EEPROM.cpp:26:0:
D:\arduino-1.0.6-teensy123\libraries\EEPROM\EEPROM.h:126:13: error: 'uint8_t EEPROMClass::read(int)' previously defined here
     uint8_t read( int idx )              { return EERef( idx ); }
D:\arduino-1.0.6-teensy123\libraries\EEPROM\EEPROM.cpp:45:6: error: redefinition of 'void EEPROMClass::write(int, uint8_t)'
 void EEPROMClass::write(int address, uint8_t value)
In file included from D:\arduino-1.0.6-teensy123\libraries\EEPROM\EEPROM.cpp:26:0:
D:\arduino-1.0.6-teensy123\libraries\EEPROM\EEPROM.h:127:10: error: 'void EEPROMClass::write(int, uint8_t)' previously defined here
     void write( int idx, uint8_t val )   { (EERef( idx )) = val; }
D:\arduino-1.0.6-teensy123\libraries\EEPROM\EEPROM.cpp:50:13: error: redefinition of 'EEPROMClass EEPROM'
In file included from D:\arduino-1.0.6-teensy123\libraries\EEPROM\EEPROM.cpp:26:0:
D:\arduino-1.0.6-teensy123\libraries\EEPROM\EEPROM.h:151:20: error: 'EEPROMClass EEPROM' previously declared here
 static EEPROMClass EEPROM;

Is this something i can fix in my code, or because i am still on arduino 1.06?

EDIT: it works again with arduino 1.6.4, ill just tell people not to use 1.0.6 + 1.23
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No, I most certainly do not alter versions after release. 1.23 will forever be the exact same download file.

I generally try to release about every 3 months, or in sync with Arduino when they release.
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