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Well-known member
So I don't have to wade thru all the details:

For the default Teensy3.1 setup (48 Mhz) is MCGIRCLK the same frequency as the system clock? Or what frequency is it at?

I want to use LPTMR Low Power Timer just as an extra simple timer and it is run off this clock. Need to decide on the appropriate prescale.


For the default Teensy3.1 setup (48 Mhz) is MCGIRCLK the same frequency as the system clock? Or what frequency is it at?

I believe it's a copy of the 16 MHz crystal. It's direct from the crystal oscillator, without the small phase noise / jitter of the PLL.

By default, it's not enabled. You have to set a bit in the oscillator config to enable it.... just a minor little detail, but truly frustrating if you're trying to use LPTMR or another peripheral with that clock, but it's not enabled in the OSC0_CR register (where it's documented with a slightly different name).

Be careful when writing to OSC0_CR, since you can reconfigure the crystal capacitance if you change the low 4 bits.
Also, be aware the documentation on reading LPTMR's CNR register, in section 38.4.5, is incorrect. Reading twice does nothing.

You have to write, which causes the hardware to sync the actual CNR (which increments in the LPTMR's own clock domain) with the readable CNR register in the system clock domain. Then you can read CNR, and the value you're reading is the count at the moment you did that write.
There are two clocks, MCGIRCLK, which is off the 4 Mhz internal reference and OSCERCLK which is directly off the 16 Mhz crystal. OSCERCLK is easier to setup (after the default initialization), which is all I care about.

So for future reference for anyone else who wants to set up LPTMR:

// Initialize LPTMR
	OSC0_CR |= OSC_ERCLKEN;	    // Enable OSCERCLK - bit 7 16 Mhz XTAL
	SIM_SCGC5 |= SIM_SCGC5_LPTIMER;	// Enable Software Access to LPTMR

	LPTMR0_CSR = 0;	    // Timer, Reset when Compare,
	                    //  Interupt Disabled, Timer Disabled
	    // 16K Prescale for 1 mS timer clock, select Clock OSCERCLK
	LPTMR0_CMR = 1000;   // 1000 mSec timer

	NVIC_ENABLE_IRQ(IRQ_LPTMR);	// Connect LPTMR Interrupt in Interrupt Controller

	                 //  Enable Timer and Interrupt

Prescale and CMR will change depending on the actual time you want.

FWIW, MCGIRCLK is just as easy to setup.

  MCG_C1 |= MCG_C1_IRCLKEN; //enables 4mhz clock
  MCG_C1 |= MCG_C1_IREFS; //set IREFS to switch to 32.768khz clock

I tested this to work on touch sensor continuous trigger code.
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