Star Trek Captains Chair made by Adam Savage has a Teensy 3.1 and Audio adapter

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Well-known member
This caught my eye when I started watching, they use a Teensy 3.1 and an Audio adapter on Adam Savages Star Trek Captains chair.

Good shots at 13 minutes in.
I saw this not long after it came out. I particularly liked that a good amount of the video is troubleshooting. It was a lot like watching Paul build overly ambitious projects.
In case anyone is interested. Here's a link to the git hub account that has the code used for the Teensy part of the project

Personally, I love seeing Teensy boards used in fandom builds. I'm on a mission to get R2D2 builders to start using Teensy. I need to spread the word of the magic of the Audio library and board.
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