Program 9 teensy 3.1 in parallel

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Well-known member
Hi all,

I have seen some talk of programming multiple teensy 3.1s. I have not found a solution.

As developing a community of Teensy 3.1s, as I develop the code I want to send the same program to 9 teensy 3.1's without plugging and unplugging.

The most brute force method is to have a usb switch and repetitively clicking upload on TeensyDuino while changing switch each time.

Does anyone have a simpler solution?

Greatly appreciated.

If you've got Tools > USB Type set to Serial, the request to reboot is a baud rate setting of 134.

You could use Verify in Arduino, so the Teensy Loader is updated with the latest code, or just open the .HEX file manually, if you'd like to do this without Arduino running. Then you'd need to create a small program than finds and opens the 9 serial ports (COM ports if Windows, device names on Mac or Linux) and sets each one to 134 baud. Perhaps allow a 3 to 5 seconds between each baud rate change, so that Teensy can fully reprogram and the Teensy Loader will be back to its idle state, where it'll recognize the next Teensy after you send it the 134 baud setting.

In the non-serial modes, the reboot request involves a HID feature report, because there's no COM port or serial device.

I am not sure how to handle programming all at the same time.
Paul's explanation was a bit over my head.
I did have success with TyQt. It identifies all teensy on usb and allows me to easily upload one at a time.
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