Teensy on front page of Fox News

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Wow, you're right, there it is!

Not exactly the sort of use I normally envision for Teensy, but then at least it's good they're "white hat" folks publishing this and working to improve the security.

rolling code scheme. Better than ye ole 8 dip switches.
But where there's a will, there's a way.
I've seen the article on a few news sites other than Fox News. The guy who's behind this is presenting it at DefCon tomorrow.
Maybe not all "white hat". Just three days ago, one of my neighbors reported getting her car hacked
(from Nextdoor.com Lori L, 8/3/2015 ) I had my car broken into when I was in LA and the thieves are very sophisticated, they have some device that allows them to override the computer and not break windows or doors.

Should I mention that my car is so old and basic, it only has mechanical locks? (but no doubt, even less secure)
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Samy uses Teensy in a lot of his projects and they're really cool. Rolljammers have been around for a couple years, though this may be the first diy. I think its good that a person like Samy is publicising this to make people aware of the vulnerabilities.
Eager to watch his defcon talk.
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