Teensy Pins only version?


Active member
Good Morning all.
I don't know how others feel about this, and some say it goes against the grain of the who "Teensy" scope of the project, but my question is this;

The Teensy is small, very small, but why don't they put all of the inputs/outputs etc as pins. Highly annoying, and creates issues when breadboarding, or creating a board/shield for the Teensy to plug into when connections on the backside of the board are to SMC connections. Even if these were put as purely pins only, the size of this would only increase by a small percentage. Is there a version similar to this in the foreseeable future (I have noted that 3.2 has just been released by Little Bird in Australia, but the only real big change is power supply to the 3.3v.

Just my thoughts.
Looks like I've got some reading to do. At this stage it looks like rwguy s solution is my best bandaid at this stage. Thanks for the quick replies. Rob.