Teensy 3.2 & Lepton FLIR 80*60

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I'm a newby, I'm looking for low power solution to use Lepton, Teensy 3.2 seem to be a good idea: 32 bit ARM Cortex-M4 72 MHz CPU + 64k RAM; since I need 10 FPS (not 24): 4800 pixels * 10 bytes/pixel =~ 48000 bytes/sec.
Is someone managed or experience to run Lepton (Kit or module) on Teensy 3.x ?
Best regards
Checking the datasheet...
The maximum clock rate is 20 MHz. The minimum clock ra
te is a function of the numb
er of bits of data per
frame that need to be retrieved. As described in the se
ctions that follow, the number of bits of data varies
depending upon user settings (video format mode, telemetry mode). For default conditions (Raw14 mode,
telemetry disabled), there are 60 video packets per frame, each 1312 bits long, at approximately 25.9 frames
per second. Therefore, the minimum rate is on the order of 2 MHz

Doing a basic number crunch here to calculate the maximum frame rate:
60 video packets per frame, each 1312 bits long
So 1312*60 = 78720bits per frame
SPI speed = 20Mhz = 20e6bps
25e6bps / 78720 = 254fps

This is probably well above what the camera will do so you should have plenty of time to do whatever you want with the data
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