Teensy 3.2 & OpenCv

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I'm a newbie, I would like to know if it's possible to import opencv library on Teensy 3.2 ?
Best regards.
The Teensy 3.2 is a very capable microcontroller when it comes to running C and C++ code, however as the other posters implied, it isn't practical:
  • Not much RAM for processing images
  • Not much bandwidth for getting image data into and out of the processor
  • No support for popular camera modules
  • Probably lots of work to port OpenCV and supply missing dependencies
  • OpenCv might not even fit
  • No hardware support for floating point calculations
What are you trying to build?
At some point, a successor to the Treensy 3.2 will be released that will have more capability.
Dear All,
thanks a lot for your time, and helpfull.
Resolution is 80/60 pixels on 8 bytes and 10 FPS. It seems to me Teensy 3.2 is avalaible to manage the stream & algorithm of computer vision; but I don't have tested anyway. So it's just feeling; I beginning to test end of this week.
But you said it's not possible to use OpenCv on Teensy, for example cause to dependency.
So your response is clear, it's not possible.
Thanks a lot for all, for your time,
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