How to read data from an USB faderbox

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Well-known member
Hello everyone,

I'd like to control led animations with an external USB controller box. What would be the workflow to receive data from an USB fader box?

I think I'd need an USB host shield first. But how to continue?

Is there an easy way to get meaningful data out of it similar to the IRremote library? Like just pushing a button, have a look what it sends and then check for this incoming event in order to trigger something.

I have no idea yet, how USB transmission works in detail and my fear is, that the sended data is too complex to track how the protocol of the faderbox works.

Any suggestions, how to tackle the problem?


If you get one that sends regular serial MIDI (5 pin DIN connector), like this one, you could pretty easily receive its data on RX1 using an the MIDI library and the normal PC900-based receive circuit.

If it only sends USB MIDI, you'll need the USB host shield, which is much more complex and expensive.
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